
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Template And the Terrible Two's

I was irritated with the old template that could not support links. I'm going to add a recipe index as soon as I can get twenty minutes of quiet (ok fine, fifteen) though at the moment, that's not looking too hopeful. Let me know if anything looks funny or off kilter in your browser.

It's ok really-I understand that it is a two year old's job to figure out what is, and is not permitted via deplorable behaviour. And it is my job to let him know that pooping in the small space between his bed and bookcase is not acceptable behaviour-see how simple parenting is! If only I could get him to stop screaming (for like 45 minutes straight) because his blanket was not tucked-in just so. That was fun. I keep thinking he's lucky I'm not a parent that spanks because he'd be pretty sore tonight. He may be forty before seeing his toys again though.

Between Danny's sudden immersion in the terrible two's, and my being ill, cooking has been kept to a minimum lately. I've been relying on stir-fry type meals where I can cut-up vegetables here and there throughout the day and add them to a plastic bag in the ice box. With a marinade and some rice or noodles, my husband is able to throw it all in a pan and "cook" dinner without much fuss.

Tonight I served courgettes, carrots, onions, garlic, sage and red peppers sauteed with fresh basil thyme in olive oil. The combination worked well with the cous cous I made with chopped raisins, mint, olive oil and chicken broth. I also find that diced up dried apricots are quite good in cous cous. The ratio is quite simple:

2 cups liquid=1 1/3 cups cous cous. Boil the liquid and whatever spices, fruit you like. Stir in the cous cous, cover and remove from heat. After 5 minutes, fluff with a fork and serve. Simple.

Anyway, I'm off to bed before the kid wakes up screaming because his socks came off in bed or some other earth shattering catastrophe demands we all come running as he wails like the banshee.


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