
Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm Not Really Squeamish But...

Could local readers help me out with a question? Our home has been invaded by tiny brown-reddish insects that are about the size of a sesame seed, but narrower and sometimes fly. They seem to like sinks and air conditioners (water). I've never seen anything quite like them, and I have no clue what to do about them. Anyone?


  1. Can you post a photo?

    Are they beetle like or fly like?


    Check out item 1401, they say it's a tiny red beetle that has wings and is found by the bathtub. Could be this one or the drugstore beetle. Unless.... it's not a beetle at all.....

  3. No, those aren't them either. But thank you so much for the link-they have a great children's page with printable colouring books etc.

    It has been such a weird summer here with the constant rain (after ten years of drought). Last evening we had a praying mantis as big as my hand on the window.
