
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Holiday Cards And Rutabaga Jam

Here's the prototype for this year's holiday card. It took about an hour, but I figure subsequent cards will go faster as I can cut the pieces all at once.

The photo doesn't do a good job of showing it, but there are designs on the ornaments in a metallic coloured pencil as well as small seed-beads on each bow.

My question is this-do they look childish? I could go to the dollar store and buy a package of cards, but I sort of like making my own. On the other hand, I don't want my husband's family thinking I've gone off the deep end. I'd ask L. but he wouldn't want to hurt my feelings. I'm hoping with the anonymity of the Internet to get a bit more honest assessment.

And in other news, I started the first day of a two day process to make rutabaga jam. It is filled with oranges and lemons (say the bells of St. Clemens) and thyme. Today was slicing the oranges and soaking them for eighteen hours (why eighteen instead of say, fifteen or twenty? Who knows? I'm only following the directions). I should have waited as I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning for some major work and canning might not be the best thing to undertake with a throbbing mouth. Oh well, I'm sure it won't be ruined if the oranges sit a bit longer.
This evening, I am serving a rather complicated dessert that I hope will not fall apart upon unmoulding. Film at eleven.

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