
Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Not What It Looks Like

-He's just standing at a funny angle that looks like he's peeing off the little bridge. Actually, Danny is waiting for the model train to round the corner again. We ended-up getting a membership to Lauretzen Gardens so he could visit the train displays regularly (in the summer it goes outdoors). This trip, Danny wore his engineer's cap.

I stumbled onto a piece of truth today-every guy wants an engineer's cap. They probably want the trains to play with as well, but the whole idea of a uniform seems to spark something in their memories. I can honestly say that we didn't pass a single man that didn't stop and note Danny's cap.

"Hey buddy, are you the engineer?"

Mind you, a bad parent would teach the child some completely disrespectful response but instead I just keep those responses filed away privately in my brain for a chuckle when I need it.

"Thank You. I'm the engineer."

Indeed, if you're seeking a last minute gift for the hard-to-shop for man in your life, it's a pretty safe bet that an engineer's cap will be a big hit-trains optional.

Trust me on this.

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