
Friday, January 11, 2008

De-Lurking Week

Wow, I had no idea de-lurking week existed but apparently, this is it.

Come on, say hello. I already know you're reading cooking blogs at work. Actually, I've been thinking about that. Some of you are going to need a good excuse, should the IT department ever call you on your surfing habits. I notice one of you "regulars" works at a certain Wall St. firm. There's no way you're ever going to be able to explain a blog that talks about deep frying liver and brain rissoles...but that's OK, I've got your back. If the geeks report you to HR, just show them this post and tell them you thought I was writing about the Fed.


  1. Do homeschoolers avoiding housework count?!

    I thought I was the only one who made "liver nuggets" lol. That's how I first started serving my kids liver. They have no idea whatsoever that most people despise it. Of course, most people have never had it cooked properly. My husband said his mother used to cook it to death, so it was a tough, nasty slab. But I usually sautee it quickly (when I'm not battering and frying it!) and serve with a pile of caramelized onions.

    Thanks for all the wonderful recipes, and a place to hide out from housework!

  2. I can't seem to stop bringing home old cookbooks/pamphlets from thrift stores and library sales. I'm sure that never happens to you...

    I really do love liver, though I've yet to actually deep fry it. You can be sure I'll post the liver-stick photos when I do.
