
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stop With The Faces Already

Ever find yourself sitting at home thinking:

"Marmite and cheese on toast would be excellent right now."

Yeah, me too. But I'll bet you don't try to incorporate it into bread. OK, maybe you do-but I couldn't find anyone on-line that had actually done it. I found an odd old reference to it, but the rest of the recipe sounded so messed-up I was sure it would be a waste of Marmite and good cheddar. OK, not good cheddar because I can't afford that...but a reasonably priced block of store-brand extra sharp cheddar from Hy-Vee that is (much to my continual shock), actually pretty darn good. Really, I couldn't believe it either.

So yeah, I'm refreshing the sourdough starter overnight and we'll just have to wait and see if this was genius or not. Stop making faces. The taste of a decomposing compost heap and sharp cheddar is really quite the delicious snack.

Stop with the faces already. Just wait, you'll see. 24 hours from now I'll be enjoying a slice of Marmite and cheese sourdough bread and you'll be eating...well I don't know what you'll be eating but I'm pretty certain it won't be Marmite and cheese sourdough bread.

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