
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Return To Normalcy

-Sort of.

I got the kitchen put back together and spotless (thankfully, we didn't lose windows on that end of the house) and made some jam. I needed to. Since I wait all year (through long, long Nebraska winters) for the first beautiful June berries, I wasn't about to let a tornado deprive me of them. Actually, the tornado did sort of deprive me of the June berries because it took out my patch-or the hail did. These berries were store-bought, but lovely anyway. Usually the pheasants get the berries before we do-they must be kind of bumming. Maybe I should leave some out for them?

We're getting things back together slowly. I washed, ironed and put up my curtains today-over the plywood boards. I was just so sick of looking at that wood. It actually did brighten things up in here a bit. Maybe I should just get out some paints and do scenery-it's not like the neighbours don't already think I'm out of my mind hanging curtains over plywood boards.

As soon as my cookbooks dry out, I can try the more challenging preserves. I had one for cantaloupe with black pepper I was interested in trying.

I also made a very intense ginger/plum sorbet today. I'll try to get photos and a recipe up tomorrow when the light is better (or at least as much daylight as a semi-boarded up house gets).

Thanks again for everyone's kind thoughts. We're getting things straightened out. If anyone has a car they don't need, I'd be interested as mine was totaled.