
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Zaatar Without Sumac

I wasn't in the mood for a trip to the hospital with a new food allergy, so I made zaatar without sumac. I have no idea if Danny would be allergic, but given his record with everything else, I decided to skip it.

This is really easy to do if you have a spice grinder. I have a two dollar, used electric coffee mill from the Goodwill. It works great. If you grind a lot of really stinky spices like fenugreek, you might consider having dedicated grinders for those. The used ones really are cheap enough to build a collection (I'm up to four).

You Will Need:

Equal parts of toasted sesame seeds, thyme, oregano, and marjoram. Coarse salt to taste. Grind together until fragrant (and oh, believe me, it will be). Store in a jar.

I used mine for dipping with pita and olive oil, but you can rub it on lamb, or chicken, and probably a million other things.


  1. I was craving zatar and am at someone elses house so I followed your recipe (they didn't have sumac or sesame seeds) and used walnuts instead of seasame. It's not quite zatar but still darn good.



  2. I'm glad you found it helpful.

  3. Thank you so much for this!

  4. @Chris
    You're very welcome. Glad I could help.
