
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Eat Your Heart Out, Jane Russell

 (You can click to embiggen...but I think they're big enough, thanks very much)
I swear, I wasn't anywhere near the library today. I have no idea how this happened.
Oh look, I even won an award.
("We must, we must, we must improve our bust")

But enough about those, let's have a look at this beautiful Canadian made vintage poncho. I guess they had their share of (our) hippies to outfit for a while (Thanks, Canada! Peace).
Outfit Particulars:
Canadian-Made vintage poncho-Thrift World
1070's Panther skirt-thrifted
Peasant top-new (It is made of jersey, and I don't like it. Unfortunately, I bought three of them).
Bangles-thrifted about town
Rings-Thrifted here and there
Earrings-World Market-about 10 years ago
Hair flowers-Tif and Tam
Shoes-K Mart ( a few seasons back)
Green Coro necklace-Imaginarium, Omaha
Blue necklace-Goodwill
It was 70 degrees F. but so incredibly windy we could only stay at the park a short while.  The rest of the week looks rainy, but it has been so dry here, I'll take it. We have fire warnings issued, and brush fires popping up all around.
Far-Out maaaaan.


  1. That's pretty funny. Yeah, we did have to outsource our hippies for awhile. But they're back! You look quite groovy.

  2. Oh I do like your word embiggen, and it shall be borrowed and used!! Hey and well done on the award!!

  3. You did well, that bust looks suitably improved and embiggened! What's the problem with the peasant top? It looks great! And it's yellow, which I love though I know you are less keen... Yellow, flowers in your hair, a fabulous bag, a vintage poncho, a stonking array of necklaces and bracelets, embiggened knockers - I want to be YOU! xxx

  4. @Sue-Embiggen is already ripped off from somewhere, so feel free to use it.

    @ Curtise- No, no, no, you don't want to be me( all crankiness, creakiness, and generally unpleasant)! I'm not sure *I* want to be me, but I haven't found anyone less annoying I'd rather be ;)
    You're sweet for saying it though, so thank you for the kind compliment.

    The elastic at the sleeves and waist is driving me mad. I spent the day re-adjusting myself. Not fun.

  5. If you're going for Jane, of course you need a Playtex Cross-Your-Heart bra ("for us full-figured gals").

  6. @Propagatrix-and an 18 hour girdle. I always thought that was a hell of a long time to spend in a girdle, but I guess mid-century women needed less sleep or something.
