
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Flip Your Wig

"That girl is such a tramp she has landing lights on her thighs."
Sorry, I was slipping into Joan Rivers character. This photo is pretty much out of the box without any washing, cutting or styling, so I'm not ready to make any decisions. I do like the salt and pepper blend of the wig with the darker hair beneath. For a $25.00 wig, I'm not too disappointed. I think I can make it work, but I perhaps I will cut fringe into it. Is it more Andy Warhol than Joan Rivers? I can't decide.
I'm less sure about the Betty Rubble meets Anne Sexton look. I'm pretty pale for black hair anyway, but again, it may look better after a wash, set, and cut. I can see this working for a 50's look, and possibly the early 70's. There's a lot of hair on this wig, which is kind of nice for a cheap-o.
I want to thank Jessica from Chronically Vintage for directing me to the site The site is well organised, the prices are excellent, and the variety is mind boggling. My wigs arrived 6 days after placing my order, and were nicely packaged. Honestly, I'll probably go to a wig shop for my daily wear wigs, but this was a great way to figure out what sort of styles I might like (or not) and with a bit of styling I expect them to look less costume-like. On the other hand, given the way I dress, who would notice? I really am fortunate to have made so many wonderful friends through the blogging community who are willing to share their tips, and advice.
Thank You, Jessica!
This is the hair I wore today...mine! Kinda pales in comparison, no?

Outfit Particulars:

Lady Capers 1970's printed polyester jacket-Thrift World .98 cents
Blue gauze top-K Mart
Western Belt-Can't remember-old
 70's Turquoise and silver clamper bracelet-Mum's
Plastic blue bracelet-Gordman's
Earrings-K Mart
Rings-some new, some old

I'll leave you with a peek at my perfume tray. You'll notice the two full bottles at the right which were recent purchases. I always liked Tabu, but my best friend wore it, so I felt like it was her scent, and I should get my own. We're 500 miles apart now, so I think it is OK. I've been wearing Shalimar and Mitsouko most of my life (until they reformulated Mitsouko-horrible!)but there's also a bottle of Innisfree, and Aqua Allegoria in lavender. I don't wear that one, I spray it on the sheets when changing the linen.

I went to pay for the bottle of Emeraude, and the woman at the register looks at the bottle, then at me and mumbles, "Another woman bought a bottle of this recently. She was...quite old."

Yeah, well some perfumes you have to grow into, I guess. I remember my sister buying me a beautiful bottle of it for Christmas in the early 70's and thinking it was on the strong side (it was the era of Heaven Scent, and Jontue) but now it seems like a really deep, lovely scent. There's a reformulated version of Evening in Paris available now, and I'm curious to see if it smells the same. That was the first perfume a boy bought for me (I was 8) and I kept the little pen-shaped flask for years. I still can't picture him going to the drugstore, standing at the cosmetics counter, and purchasing it, but his sister swore he did it by himself, and she was about to become a nun so I'm sure she didn't lie :). It must have been one of the last bottles, because Evening in Paris disappeared from stores shortly thereafter. The other fragrance I liked was Jungle Gardenia, which is also available again via the Internet. I wore that until it disappeared in the early 80's. The one scent I never dared to wear was Tweed, as it was my grandmother's perfume. It was discontinued in the states some time ago, but again (thanks to the Internet) is available again. I'd like to buy a bottle just to remember my grandmother, but I really don't know if I'm quite ready to wear it-perhaps I have a few years before I age into that one.

If you're interested in the oddball perfumes, take a look at Vermont Country Store
That place is like a supply house for old ladies! Obviously, I feel right at home there. If you're needing a long-line bra, or granny panties they can get you outfitted as well (obviously, they are not compensating me in any way). Just whatever you do, don't buy the Blue Waltz perfume-no one is old enough for that.
Have you re-visited any perfumes from your youth recently?


  1. Oh wigs are so fun, aren't they? Love you in the Betty Rubble. I've been wearing the cologne Tresor by LancĂ´me since my babies were born. A male coworker once told me that I smell like the inside of an old lady's purse. Then he corrected himself and said an ELEGANT old lady. Okay. Much better.

  2. I think the ash blonde bob looks very Linda Evans/Dynasty-esque, some giant shoulder pads, button earrings & a spritz of Tabu would certainly complete the look.
    The Betty Rubble black flip likely requires a vibrant red lipstick or a sizzling' hot pink - like Revlon's classic 50's colors 'Fire & Ice' or 'Cherries in the Snow' perhaps? Also some seriously dark penciled 'emphatic' brows to pull that dramatic a look off.
    My mom used to love Jungle Gardenia & Giorgio Beverly Hills (another 80's scent with heavy gardenia/ester notes). Did you know Shalimar perfume was named after the famed Mughal gardens of Shalimar in the Himalayan vale of Kashmir? My husband is Kashmiri that's the only reason I know.
    The reason hipsters come to Nepal is the same reason they go to Morocco-
    CANNABIS in all it's many forms.
    Hashish, bhang, charas, whatever. It isn't really legal here in Nepal but Nepal doesn't do much in the way of law enforcement- so smoke & toke as you please!

  3. @Connie

    My older sister wore that too, also after having her first child. Maybe there's something about childbirth that makes you feel ready for a grown-up perfume?

  4. @ Bibi

    Colorado just legalised pot, so maybe they'll take some of your hipsters ;)

    Cherries in the Snow was the best colour-I wish they'd bring it back. Love that Pink, and Love that Red are still around though.

  5. Vermont Country Store carries (or used to carry) the reissued "Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific" shampoo. Didn't quite smell the same as the original, but it was still very nice.

    Love the wigs. And the Heidi Abramowitz reference.

  6. @Propagatrix

    I never used GYHST, but going by the name, it must have been a good scent? I was an emerald green Herbal Essence woman myself-god, I wish they'd bring that one back. Then there was the beer shampoo...

  7. You are sincerely welcome, my dear friend. I love helping anyone out on the wig front. It can often feel like one is totally (or very nearly) alone there with a million and one questions floating through their head when the start wearing wigs and while I don't profess for the tiniest of moments to know everything there is to know about wigs, I did certainly put myself through a crash course when I started to sport them and have continued to learn more ever since, so I'm always here and happy to help anyone I can on the subject.

    You picked two really fun, great first choice. I especially like the black one, which makes me think of what Snow White's hair might have looked like had she been created during the early 60s.

    If one isn't dead set on a vintage appropriate style, the sky is pretty much the limit on the wig front, sadly there are so few choices that fall into that camp. I sometimes think about branching out and trying a more contemporary wig, too, but I so love my auburn vintage-y looking one (it's not perfect, but it's the best one on the mass produced market that I know for my own aesthetic) that I haven't really ventured away from it yet (no doubt at least in part because we don't have a wig store in my town - which is actually quite surprising because we have a large demographic of senior citizens, an age bracket that by and large does do a fair bit of purchasing wigs and toupees). I did try buying another inexpensive wig last year which had a bit of a 50s look to it, but the darn thing ended up giving me a rash within minutes of each time I tried it on, plus it wasn't very comfy, so I couldn't wear it in the end and was out about $50 there. Not a huge fortune, but enough to further endear me to my current style (of which I'm currently on my third one, as I find they last a few months before no amount of gentle washing with wig care products and TLC can bring them back to life and not looking like a matted mess any longer) all the more.

    Thank you again & have a beautiful Monday!
    ♥ Jessica

  8. Body on Tap! "Made with real beer...but don't drink it!"

    I wish all this useless knowledge would leave my head. I could use the extra room.

  9. @Propagatrix

    I think we need some sort of cult deprograming, or an exorcism.
