
Friday, January 23, 2015

What Time is it? Tooth Hurty!

I'm going to take some time away from the blog until I can listen to myself, and not sound like the sort of person I avoid. I know when I'm over-loaded (I am) with too much at once, and if I had any doubts a quick read of my recent posts lets it come through clearly in my tone. I hate when I sound like that, so I'm going to deal with what I must, and when I feel less wrapped up in my own misery, I'll be back.

I'm having dental surgery Tuesday, I'm recovering from flu, and experiencing the worst lupus flare I've had in thirty years. My child  has selected this as a good time to pull such an incredibly stupid stunt I still can't believe he was capable of it (no laws broken or anything like that but well outside of what we consider acceptable behaviour. Someday I'll tell you about it, but for now I'm still too angry and hurt to recount it). I didn't drive him down the street to Boys Town and threaten to leave him...but I did think about it. I'm not much of a screamer, and I don't spank. I do however have an interlinear translation of Chaucer's* works and plenty of notebook paper so someone will be getting the immersive Middle Ages experience copying it out by hand. We'll skip the quill and ink because he's a slob (and we have white carpet). It will be a very long time before that boy sees a computer again.

See? Listen to that. I hate when I sound like that. I know when I'm at the end of my rope, so I'm going to enjoy the downtime I have no choice but to take, and we'll see if I sound less like a whiny child at the end of it.

I'll be around to visit your blogs which right now are the bright spots of my days. You guys are the best!

*That's like getting two books in one!


  1. Tuck in and survive January! I'm sending feel better wishes your way. If we were neighbors I would bring something nutritious and delicious to your door. Alas, all you're getting is the well wishes.
    Kids, what can I say, I've raised 4 and nothing surprises me. From vodka stashed in water bottles to skipping school, and the speeding tickets. I tell you, just no rest for the wicked sometimes! Then along comes menopause.
    I'm planting red tulips in pots this weekend and forcing their bloom indoors. There is something comforting about planting stuff during the winter!

  2. Time for a strategic retreat from public appearances, indeed, dear Goody. Please focus all your physical and mental energies on getting through this perfect storm of painful and frustrating circumstances. I do wish you were close enough to benefit from a session with my masseuse!

  3. Awww - we learn more from our mistakes than our successes right? So there's gonna be some learning going on round your house. Take the time you need to sail your little ship through choppy waters and get some rest. xxx

  4. Oh poor Ms Juniper, I feel your pain. It sounds like a shitty time is being had, and you could do with a little breather to recover your health and equilibrium. I don't think you've been sounding whiny actually, just reporting what's been going on, and sometimes that isn't so great. We all know what that feels like...
    Kids. Bloody kids. Love 'em, but they can let you down sometimes. Chaucer will sort Danny out, I'm sure! Take care, my friend, I'll miss you but look forward to your happy and healthy return. xxx

  5. Sending you lots of love and cyber hugs Goody. Batten down the hatches, take some time out and we'll see you on the other side of these choppy waters xx

  6. Good on you for actually taking some time out for yourself, you recognised you needed the space and you are taking it, WELL DONE!! I hope all sorts it's self out really fast because I shall miss you madly. Take care, if I lived around the corner I would come whisk you away. xxxx

  7. Oh Honey Bunny. We've all been there at some point. Chaucer, eh? That's a good one. Wish I'd thought of that back when the kiddies were still at home. So so hope you'll be feeling yourself again soon. You are the bright spot in so many of MY days. Healing vibes heading your way from hippie dippie Southern California. XXoO

    LOVE that new header picture.....
    Now, feck this flu, it just better piss off RIGHT NOW. That's cruel on top of tooth hurty problems, and, I hear that is a real trial to deal with. Not to mention the youngun carrying on like a goat.
    Sweetheart, do get yourself back to rights. Hope the dental surgery doesn't make you cry....
    I know what you mean about sounding like the person you usually like to avoid-I can't STAND when I'm like that! And I confess to having been a bit like that lately...........meh.....
    You totally rock and are one of my most favoritist babes in internet land!

  9. Poor old Goody! You look after yourself. I know I'm not alone in looking forward to your healthy return.

  10. I hope your surgery goes well and that your recovery time is short and pleasant. Your blog is one of my daily pleasures, and I'll miss you, but I'm glad you're taking time to rest and regroup. I'll try to keep the beatniks off the lawn while you're laid up.

  11. I sure hope you have had some time to recover from so much going on in your life! The flu and dental work is never fun and we all know how bad family troubles can be. This weather is not helping much either! Take care of yourself and I look forward to when you return!

