
Thursday, November 05, 2015

Happy Winter Weather Awareness Day

I made a fresh stock of, "Blondin Biscuits" so the squirrel will have plenty to eat in the cold months ahead. Packed with fats, molasses, and special "Squirrel-fattening spices", Blondin knows these treats are for him, and he leaves the bird feeders alone. Mostly.

This is also a good time to put together a winter emergency kit for the car-unless you're reading this in the antipodes in which case you need a summer preparedness kit with plenty of suntan lotion and cold beer.

With all the chores out of the way, we went out to enjoy the last few hours of decent weather before the cold front came through (it did, and it is COLD!). I need to stop at the library tonight to pick up some items, and I really don't feel like walking over there in an icy gale. I wish the library delivered! I know, it is only a few blocks...but they're LONG blocks.
Obviously, I'm changing clothes before I head out as this flimsy dress will not do. It kept blowing up in the wind, which was good for a laugh as I remembered to wear my "PPP's (Pervert-Proof-Panties). I own a million slips but none the right length for this dress. How is that even possible? How?
This is a dress made to look like separates (I don't know why either). There's a sheer mesh panel beneath the blouse holding it all together. Clever design, but I still fail to understand the point.
 We stopped at a new quilt shop today to begin the process of gathering fabric for Danny's yearly birthday quilt. The staff were lovely, and we all had a nice little reminisce about how much we hated working at Jo-Ann Fabric. Turns out, we had all worked there at one time (different stores in different parts of the country). I can't even go near the place without starting to shake. I've had some terrible jobs in my life, but that place was a nightmare. I was comforted to know I wasn't alone. After twenty years I still haven't recovered. Funny story-my first week working there someone lobbed a huge rock through the window. The manager shrugged and said, "Probably a former employee, it happens a lot." I should have seen it for the sign it was!

We found some fabric that will work nicely with our theme, and they even gave us some large-ish scraps of a fabric we were looking for that will be more than enough for this project, Isn't that nice of them? We sure thought so.
 As we were already on the other side of town, we stopped in to see the new Hand-Me-Ups location on Q street. I very nearly came home with a green formica kitchen table and green vinyl matching chairs. It was so cheap, I'm sure I'll be kicking myself tomorrow. I don't need a kitchen table and chairs, but if YOU do, and can get to Hand-Me-Ups at 99th and Q in Omaha, there's a beautiful set for $175. Hurry.

What I did buy were some Christmas napkins, oddly shaped bread pans, and a few brooches. I mean, at .49 cents I couldn't really go wrong. The prices were already good at the store on Maple, but this store is rock-bottom bargains. The proceeds all go to Angel Guardians, so it is for a worthy cause as well.
Outfit Particulars:
Late 70's/early 80's polyester dress-Goodwill
Vintage Laura Ashley wool jacket-Goodwill
1950's brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage West German stranded beads-Hand-Me-Ups
Italian glass earrings-had them for years
Bracelet-Target (I think)
1950's shoes-Goodwill
Handbag-Thrift World
Fragrance-Mademoiselle Guerlain (LPR re-branded for a different market. Basically the same perfume)
Lippy-Revlon Icy Violet over outlast lipstain
Damn, I wish the library delivered. I know most of the librarians...maybe they could pick up a pizza and a six pack on the way? I should suggest it next time they solicit ideas from the community.

Have a fun Bonfire Night if you're in the UK. I'm baking potatoes anyway because it just seems wrong not to, even in Nebraska, and I made parkin last week so it should be perfectly aged by tonight. This is the lull before the non-stop race into the new year begins. By this time next week, the madness will be underway. I'm not complaining-keeping busy is good for my sort of personality because if I didn't have things to do, I'd invent chores... and how many times a year can you change the shelf lining?

I smell the potatoes...gotta go.


  1. That's one thing about living on the 'subcontinent' - you can get just about anything delivered.
    IF they can find your domicile.
    IF they actually have what you want.
    Milk, drinking water, fresh eggs (we're talking REALLY FRESH as in still warm from the nest & with a little poo on them), 20 kgs bags of rice, liquor, cigarettes, 5 liter tins of cooking oil, gas cylinders, fresh fish from the lake, dal, yak cheese pizza, chickens butchered to order, ghee, fruit, vegetables- it's all delivered for free & COD. Funny we're still having petrol, kerosene, diesel, rice, cooking gas, water buffalo, & cooking oil shortages because of the problems at the India/Nepal border but we aren't short of booze & cigarettes!!!
    Library books? Well, we don't have a library so probably not.
    Loving that plum & teal paisley on you!
    The icy violet lippy, ummmmm we've seen it used with various products now & I still don't think it's your best color.
    La Petite Robe Noir 2/Mademoiselle- tried it, not digging the marshmallow. Spoke with a fragonerd who claims it is the Russians who are buying Guerlain like mad now & especially these multitudinous (and tedious) Thierry Wasser flankers.

  2. Blondin is one lucky squirrel and I love the fact his treats are squirrel shaped, I love your attention to detail Goody. Watching a squirrel run across my fence as I write this but he's not so lucky as his American cousin as I don't feel at all compelled to be baking him any biscuits. I did take my cat to the vets this morning though as he had been in a fight so I feel I've done my bit for the animal kingdom today. Sounds like you have picked up some great bargains lately. Stay warm x

  3. Mmmm, jacket spuds! One of the great things about bonfire night.

    Do you get library vans in the US? They serve - or at least used to serve - remote areas here in the UK, they're basically little lorries full of books that visit out-of-the-way places. As a kid we lived on Shetland for a bit - dad in the military - and the library van coming round was a weekly highlight. Not that you'd get one dropping by if you had a library just down the road!

  4. I have taken note on stocking up on sunblock and beer!!! You are such a good woman making darling Blondin his/hers/its own stash of yummy biscuits. Next you will be making him his own little house, cool idea really, with a little squirrel bed...... The table and chairs sounded divine and it will no doubt get snaffled up.

  5. @Bibi

    Ha! I have TWO tubes of the violet lippy to get through, and I'm too cheap to pitch them. Sometimes I need something in a purple hue, but I can't quite go for anything too dark.

    We used to have Bookmobiles in the US but they've been phased-out over the years. There might be some regions that still have them. In Nebraska, even the tiniest remote towns have a library put together even if it is all volunteer with irregular hours. If they can get in the lending network, they can request books from larger libraries and they may be checked out by users. It can be a long wait though before they send it over. I visited one library in a tiny town that was built ns an old bank-the safe had been turned into a reading room.

  6. @Jayne

    Taking care of a cat is kind. Baking for a squirrel is madness! I acknowledge that I have now slipped into the role of, "Crazy squirrel lady".
    Good hearing from you!

  7. @Sue

    Blondin *did* get last year's gingerbread house after Christmas...but he ate it!
    He lives in the large maple tree in the back yard.

  8. I cast my vote for using Both! tubes of the icy violet lippy. Using a gloss over a stain works much better for me than those drying long-lasting concoctions.

    The plum/rose color and weight of the jacket is beautifully suited to the dress. Why the "separates" stratigem? Perhaps to create a less staid shirtdress look? Certainly works with the jacket and low heels!

    Blondin is a very fortunate rodent, indeed. My own charity to local fauna is a breakfast buffet for the local barn cat colony (aka the McBogles). I do spay and neuter as the opportunity arises; however, one tiny mite has now joined the household because she was born with a congenital deformity of the eyes that would have led to blindness. She's scheduled for her second surgery Monday. Please wish little "Michigan Vacation" a successful procedure and swift recovery!

  9. P.S. When Bibi starts posting, I for one would like to know more about yak cheese pizza. My brother once went on a mission to folks who live in yurts. His instructions were not to interfere with their customs, etc., in any way. However, when faced with tea chipped from a block, "enriched" with a glob of yak butter, he proposed to his hosts that they accept a small gift from his kit and experience the joys of Folger's Instant Coffee crystals with a dash of yak milk. Yumms! all around! (Future missions were then provisioned with boxes of the stuff.)

  10. @Beth
    Oh yes, best wishes for a quick recovery to the very lucky kitty (to have found you).

    I used to feed the farm cats-I know you're not supposed to but when they give birth in your mudroom, you feel obligated.

    I must be sick, but yak butter coffee doesn't sound half bad ;)
