
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Digging Deep Into the Wardrobe

After several attempts at writing (and deleting) a post, I'm going to just stick to clothes today because the tone I seem to be projecting doesn't necessarily correlate to the way I'm feeling (mostly). We all have those days where we can't stand the sound of our voice, even in print-and this week has been a challenge for me. I think there's enough disgust and frustration out there on the internet without me adding to it. Thankfully, I snap out of things quickly so in the meantime...let's look at clothes. Clothes make everything better.

 I have a terrible habit of forgetting what I have, largely due to my clothes being spread out over three rooms. Both the silk blouse and the mohair cardigan are things I've had for a while, but never got around to wearing. No time like the present! Thanks to the menopause, a cardigan was sufficient outdoor wear for a February day in Nebraska. It might be some time before I require a coat again.
Note to self-silk doesn't breathe. The cardigan was dispensed with rather quickly.
 Both the brooch and necklace are items I've had for years, but rarely wear. What on earth is wrong with me? I need to have a good sorting of my stuff before I bring in more.
Outfit Particulars:
1970's mohair cardigan made in Crown Colony of Hong Kong-New Life Thrift (I think?)
Talbot's silk blouse-Salvation Army, Lincoln (two summers ago!)
Liz Claiborne earrings-Von Maur about 15 years ago
1980's belt-Hand-Me-Ups
Madden Girl shoes-Goodwill
1940's velvet handbag-Thrift World
Necklace-Gordmans(?) about 15 years ago
Da Rue skirt-Goodwill
Nana tights-K Mart
Fragrance-Bijan (and LOTS of it because you don't wear a little Bijan! The first fifteen minutes makes me sneeze, but it is soooo worth it).
 Why yes, I do smell good. Thanks for noticing. I'm wearing Bijan and pretending I'm shopping on Rodeo Drive instead of the Goodwill. Oooh, I smell good.
So that was today. Yesterday, I went for a classic look...
 No, that's not a skirt...
 ...and yes, I did notice how unflattering they are.
I'm too old to give a toss about whether plaid shorts are flattering. I wear what I like. 

Outfit Particulars:
1980's blazer with over-sized shoulders-Goodwill (part of a suit)
JH Collectibles wool shorts (80's, I think)-Goodwill
Bass Weejun Loafers-Goodwill
Carolee rhinestone brooch-Marshall Field's about 30 years ago
Heart earrings (they flash when pressed)-Big Lots
Fragrance-Ferragamo Incanto Heaven (It smells like a very posh air freshener. I don't like it, but it was quite cheap, so I tried it as a blind buy. Learn from my mistakes, and avoid this one unless you have a toilet in need of freshening. The bottle is pretty though). 

Pancake day ended-up as mushroom and goat cheese filled crepes. Well, if you roll them like this and fry them in butter then I guess they're technically blintzes.  Whatever you call them, the boys seemed to enjoy them. 

I might need to take inspiration from Veronica and her, "Not buying it" month, and start shopping my own wardrobe for a bit. I did drop some items at the thrift store today, but two pair of trousers and a jacket doesn't even qualify as a proper donation, particularly when I came home with two Geiger boiled-wool vintage jackets (I know, when will I ever wear boiled wool? I AM boiling-I don't need wool!). 

Wednesday? The Great Backyard Bird Count starts on Friday! Better get those checklists ready. 
Will you be joining us? 


  1. Looking very posh & classically classic. I don't think those plaid shorts look unflattering at all, particularly with that long cardigan with shoulder pads.
    I think I read somewhere that Sylvester Stallone wears Bijan.
    Moving to Nepal put a damper on my "retail therapy" addiction, thrift or otherwise. I still can't keep track of what little I have left of my clothes collection.
    The Chinese are here for their winter holidays!!! YAY!!! We haven't had any business for 8 months!

  2. Three rooms of clothes??? Wow. I've got everything I own smooshed into a teeny closet that I share with my husband. I might have to take over one of my kids' bedrooms. Hmmmm... Which one? Anyhoo. I love a pleated skirt. Yours is lovely. And those shoes are amazing. I want them. Good thing I live far away or I would help you unload a lot of your extra things. And that second outfit is pure "Heathers."

  3. That's a lot of clothes! After a month of living out of a bag I have terrible trouble putting an outfit together, the choice drives me mad!
    Loving the paisley blouse. I wish the menopause would get to me, I'm freezing.
    Goat's cheese and mushrooms? I'm dying of hunger right now. xxx

  4. Mm, those pancakes look good. We had chinese crispy duck ones for starters (we had confit duck in the fridge so used that), then traditional ones with sugar and lemon. I'd never have thought of making parcels and refrying; that's such a good idea.

    I second Connie's opinion - deffo a lot of Heathers in that second look.

  5. Whatever you call those goat cheese and mushrooms edibles, I'd call them delicious!

    I'm feeling a bit au contraire meself, so I'll vote for the shorts ensemble and against the pleated skirt. The shorts are classically right -- the pleated skirt belongs on a Grecian statue (i.e., an immobile figure). The 40s velvet bag is elegance encapsulated in shape and texture: I'm purring just thinking of moi carrying it with a long velvet dress, belted with that MacBeth belt. I'd pin the MacDuff broach on the bag or on my cloak. Just the outfit for a performance of the Scottish play!


  6. You look very glam in your monochrome outfit! I love pleated skirts but they do nothing for me because of my fat tummy - sigh....

    I actually think the shorts look great on you - maybe its the plaid and the whole outfit is so 80s (I think); shoulder pads? Definitely 80s. Plaid shorts? Possibly, but I don't remember them.

    I love your red necklace, brooch and earrings and the velvet bag is so elegant. The pancakes look yummy - we didn't have any. OH made a Thai fish curry which was rather delicious.

    I was reading somebody's blog the other day who lives in Suffolk, I think, and they listed their bird tally from our Great Garden Bird Watch 30 - 31st Jan. I was astonished at the variety. I'm going to try and find it again and I'll copy and paste it and send it to you.

    As for clothes across 3 rooms - wow! I have a two storey wardrobe (I don't mean two house storeys! Just top and bottom rails) and the bottom storey of the wardrobe in the second bedroom; plus most of a cupboard next to the bathroom where I keep winter coats, walking gear and any long dresses.

    I would strongly recommend shopping your closet; it's such a good discipline and it makes you quite inventive or at least look at familiar items in a different way.

    PS - I have bad news for you re the hot flushes.. whisper...they don't stop post menopause. That's why I frequently have flushed cheeks/face in my photos and I'm 62 next month!


  7. @Bibi
    Hooray for Chinese tourists!
    I can see Bijan on a man-it feels very unisex.

    I should point out that the cupboards are very small-so it really is like one good-sized walk-in. I swear I'm not a hoarder!

    I would fall over in a fit if I had to wear the same clothes two days in a row. *I have issues* (as the kids say).

    Oh, that's really nice having the duck all tucked into fat in the fridge-it does make for a quick and luxurious meal, doesn't it? I made Mr. ETB a goose confit once, and it was so much work I'll never do it again...but he did enjoy it. Nice having the fat handy for potatoes too.

    I have never seen Heathers. I'm so pathetic.

    Well, I'm *feeling* immobile...does that count?
    Speaking of Macbeth, did you know you have to be 18 to check it out of our library because...wait for it... it is violent? True story. The librarian trying to check it out for Danny was stunned, but in the end I had to check it out for him. Sigh.

    Great! I'm pale as a ghost most days, so what's a bit of pink on my face? (That was oozing sarcasm, by the way). I've had it pretty easy for the most part, but in the last year migraines have really started to become troublesome. I can live with weight gain, and hot flashes, but the headaches are going to do me in. Thank goodness I don't get mood-swings (that was also dripping in sarcasm).

    I really don't have *that* many clothes-the rails are quite short, and I only have one small dresser. It sounds much worse than it is.

    I have a huge stomach, but I wear pleats anyway because I have no shame ;)

  8. @Veronica
    If you have a stomach, you're hiding it really well because I don't see it!
