
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One (Bread) Basket

I can't decide if it looks more like a basket of eggs, or a bunny with horrible boils. Either way, it looks better in person and the lemon zest and anise seeds smelled wonderful as it baked.

The "trick" to the bread is dyeing the uncooked eggs, and then tucking them into the bread to bake along with the bread. You can avoid the dye running by baking white eggs to hold the place and then replacing them when cool with cocloured eggs. I think that's madness (and wasteful). A little food colouring bleed isn't the end of the world.

None of the eggs broke, which is like a small miracle. I've been awake since 3 AM baking. I'm nearly done, but it has been another successful Easter baking season. Thus far I have baked:
Hot Cross Buns
Easter Egg Bread
Lamb Cake
Decorated Easter Cookies

And probably something else I'm forgetting. Whew, I'm ready for a break.

Did anyone bake anything interesting this Easter? I'd love to hear about it.


  1. I don't know, I think it looks charmingly & deliciously Dada-esque!
    Whom is the lucky recipient of your baking largesse?
    No baking here as we've no more than 4 hrs electricity daily. I'm waiting for that snow melt to start turning the turbines!
    I found a recipe in 1950 magazine ad for some brownies made with what looked alike a candy bar similar to Mounds. We get Aussie Bounty bars here that are like the 5 star version of Mounds -LUSCIOUS!! Can't wait to try that.
    Also made up a Hermits recipe that uses honey & tamarind in place of molasses, can't wait to try that too!
    We've had the weirdest Spring, so dry with dust storms instead of showers.
    Also had some new babies in our 'hood this fine Easter morn!

  2. I baked nothing, due to a head cold, rehearsing for and performing in a concert last week, and singing all the Holy Week services this week. However, I did totally knock the "Exultet" out of the park at last night's Easter Vigil. Eight minutes long, solo a cappella, by candlelight. I have earned ham!

  3. @Bibi
    Oh yeah, Bounty bars kick Mound's butt!

    Fine ham abounds!
    Eight minutes does indeed earn ham.
    Happy Easter.

  4. I baked nothing either, although I was thinking about it when I woke up at 3 am last night ... Mmm lemon zest and anise seeds, it sound delicious! xxx

  5. @Polyester Princess

    I'm certain had you baked, it would have looked better than the "basket" I baked. Artistic, I'm not.

  6. So are the eggs in their shells? I've never seen anything like that before.

  7. @Mim
    Yes. They become hard-baked eggs (if you do it correctly and they don't crack). By the time the bread is baked, the eggs are quite hard though, so we didn't eat them.

    The Eastern Orthodox do beautiful Easter breads with a special deep red dye for the eggs. We can't get anything like that here in the largely Swedish Midwest, but if you Google search you can see them. They're really quite spectacular.
