
Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Nothing Rhymes With Purple

But (almost) everything goes with it.

 I hadn't planned to do a week of mini skirts, but the weather and wardrobe conspired to make it happen. This 80's suede mini was purchased at the long defunct retailer, Paul Harris. I was surprised to see the label inside as I rarely shopped there. I must have been in a mall and spotted it through a window or something. The skirt has rarely been worn since the 80's, and the suede has become rather stiff and dried out over the years. The lining needs to be removed and re-sewn as it hangs a bit, and I'm not sure it is worth the effort. I'll likely end up packing it away for another few decades though if I can wear something like this in my eighties that would be great fun! I suppose that's reason enough for keeping it.
 This shawl was difficult to photograph, but I think you can see the Egyptian motifs. It has a label in Arabic, and in English it reads, "Pashmina, 80% Cashmere, 20% silk." I might be wrong but I don't think you can call it Pashmina if it is made in Egypt. No matter, I love the colours and wild design. I am such a sucker for tourist items as it amuses me to see what people think tourists would want to buy. These items say much more about Westerners than they do about the people that make them.
It is quite warm for a lightweight shawl.
Outfit Particulars:
1980's suede skirt-Paul Harris
Silver thread polo neck-K Mart
Egyptian shawl-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage handbag-Goodwill
Earrings-K Mart
Fragrance-Chanel No. 22

You still want more of my vintage mini collection? Okay, Let's play two! (Sorry, have baseball on my brain). Here's your double-header.
This one is Esprit from the late 80's/early 90's. It had a matching jacket that got destroyed, but the skirt was still in good enough condition to keep. When I still lived in Illinois, there was a free-standing Esprit boutique where I routinely shopped. I liked the colourful tee shirts quite a bit.
Here's the evidence. I wore that shirt until it fell apart. Don't have the guitar anymore either.
Outfit Particulars:
1980's Esprit skirt-Esprit boutique
Green top-K mart
Vintage handbag-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage 80's Carol Dauplaise brooch-Marshall Field's about 35 years ago (Have matching earrings and a necklace but it is too much together)
Vintage 80's earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Bangle-K mart
Fragrance-Chanel No. 22

Why yes, I did give myself a haircut (more like hacking away at it with sewing scissors, but let's not get lost in details). It is my least favourite chore but I can't see handing over money to someone for something I'm capable of doing myself. I might take it shorter-I'm really wanting a short bob for winter as I tuck my hair up under a hat most days. I do realise the more I cut my hair the greyer it looks as most of my outgrowth these days is silver. My hair is very thin and fragile so I don't expect to be colouring it any time soon, though I wouldn't rule out a colour rinse. Eventually when it is all grey I hope to do either a blue or lavender rinse for the full Mrs. Slocombe look. I have a lacy jabot-and I'm not afraid to wear it!
Just picture this with lilac hair.

I'm nearing the end of my vintage mini collection (I think). There's probably more that don't fit, so if I can find them to unpack, I might show them on hangers. We'll see. I've been sort of baseball focused lately. It has been one hell of a series, and if I didn't want the Cubs to win I'd be forced to admit the Indians are playing some damn fine baseball. I had a feeling the series would go the full seven games as both teams are so well matched, but it has been great to watch, even when the Cubs were down. I never expected to see this is my lifetime, and though I haven't lived in Chicago for decades, I'm still a Chicagoan (born on the North side at Edgewater Hospital) and I can't escape getting caught up in the excitement. I cried when the crowd sang, Go Cubs Go after the final game at Wrigley. Cried! It transcends baseball, and as my husband and son look at me like I'm from another planet, I know I'm not alone in my emotional state. So yes, Go Cubs Go, but (shhh) I'm kind of sorry the series can't be a draw because both teams are deserving. But really, Go Cubs Go! 108 years is a long time for a city to wait. As they say, "Any team can have a bad century."


  1. I am enjoying your miniskirt collection. I think purple suede definitely makes up for less-than-perfect condition. Admiring the needlepoint bag and the Egyptian pashmina, too.

  2. The downside of visiting tourist places in India, being chased down the street by bloody pashmina sellers! Remembering how persistent the salesmen are when I've been to North Africa I'm never surprised by the amount of Egyptian, Moroccan & Tunisian tourist stuff I come across at car boot sales!
    Your hair looks fabulous and I love the embroidered handbag.
    I often come across Esprit jackets on my travels, always boxy and great quality. The skirt is fantastic, it looks great. x

  3. Adorable in purple. You are amazing lady
    I feel slightly flat today, maybe I need to wear purple tomorrow.

  4. Goody - you have accessories (and clothes) to die for. I love that ginormous brooch with matching bangle, the teardrop earrings are brilliant and what a wonderful embroidered handbag! I love the silk shawl too; wonderful colours. I thought it was a kimono at first. A lace jabot - yesssss!

    I am enjoying your miniskirt collection and they all look great on you. I loved the Esprit plaid one with the green top and tights. I don't own a miniskirt as I said before but when I visited ex mum in law last week she gave me something that might now be the shortest skirt in my collection. I was going to wear it today but I've just got back from walking and can't be bothered to change. Tomorrow.

    I think your hair will look amazing grey; I shall watch its progress with great interest.

    Enjoy your week


  5. Jingle Bells, Shotgun Shells! (oops sorry that was the last post)
    Well, I doubt your Egyptian shawl is silk, cashmere or pashmina. But it sure is purty! Yes, they are raising pashmina goats in China now. Or Tibet. Same difference. Probably a very fine merino with a synthetic added for that silky shimmer.
    Esprit had a huge store & their headquarters in San Francisco. Great designs crappy management.
    I'm calling my grays 'highlights." I'm planning on going platinum not gray. I'm not above a lavender rinse to get there either.
    I forgot I had a half bottle of Chanel 22 under the bed, I shall have to fish it out!

  6. Gosh! I love vintage Esprit! There were several places to buy it in Ottawa, but as a kid I never had money to buy it. Great clothes though.

    Oooh, love everything in your blog but especially cover that broach!! You have excellent taste!

    happy thrifting ;)

  7. Love the purple! It looks great on you. I'm super jealous of the shawl - my favorite colors and my dream job (I wanted to be an Egyptologist when I was young).
    I don't pay for things I can do, either, but my hair is too thick to cut on my own...which is why it's not been trimmed in months. Cuts cost too much.

  8. Purple Shmurple!!! I love that colour. You play guitar? What else are you do you do that you haven't shared?

  9. Got to love a bit of tourist tat!

    I'm now intrigued as to what the whole jewellery set looks like. That's a whopper of a brooch; are the necklace and earrings to the same scale?

  10. I love the colour of that suede skirt and it would go well with a lavender rinse so I would definitely keep it. Although I don't think Mrs. Slocombe would have worn her skirts that short! Love those spectacles! xxx

  11. @Radostin
    That's my thinking too-coloured suede somehow seems special.

    I hope my grey will come in as lovely as yours-you have great hair!

    Yeah, I figured it was the "Fake Gucci" of the Egyptian tourist stalls. No matter as it hardly cost me a thing.

    Mr. ETB calls his grey, "Blonde streaks."

    @Thrifty Parka
    The pin is fun, but the earrings are so heavy I can't wear them anymore. I don't know how my younger self managed.

    Speaking as someone in possession of History and Anthropology degrees...the dream is better than the reality (unless you can survive teaching a few classes a semester as a visiting lecturer without any hope of tenure).

    I can tuck my eyelashes up under the folds of my eye by blinking hard and exposing the underside of my lid. It really grosses out kids ;)

    I don't think I have any other cool talents.

    Yes, they're huge. The necklace is a giant cross that looks like something out of a vampire movie. I'll get pictures posted.

    You're right, the skirt would bee far too short for Mrs. S

  12. I'm looking forward to embracing the Mrs S purple rinse too though I'm not ready to just yet. I have very fine hair too but luckily my sister in law is a hair dresser so I get it cut, coloured and well looked after for cost price. I still cut my own fringe though!
