
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Cat's Entertainment!

We just hit -17 degrees F. (that's -27 C ) and it is only midnight-it will get worse before it gets better. It wouldn't be shocking in February, but for December, this is very cold. I need to go out tomorrow-wish me luck. I think it is going to be an alpaca socks sort of day.


 We have an ice storm and sub-zero temperatures headed our way tonight, so I spent the day out and about doing errands. I'll brave the cold, and reasonable amounts of snow, but ice is not worth the risks. We took treats to the Friends of the Library volunteers today, and even managed to visit a couple thrift stores before heading home. I'm going to take advantage of the snow/ice day to do a bit of baking and stocking the freezer with meals. Anyway, no reason to go out looking like a bundled-up frump when I own such a warm faux leopard jacket.
I had my bag on the counter at Hand-Me-Ups as I was paying for my purchases and the woman at the register tried to ring it up! We had a good laugh because I'd bought it there a few months ago, and she'd remembered seeing it around the shop. Generally speaking, if it didn't come from Hand-Me-Ups, it came from Goodwill or Thrift World. My shopping universe is quite narrow.

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage Polyester dress-Fairytail Costumes
Faux Leopard jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage Corde bag-Hand-Me-Ups
Gloves-Thrift World
Bakelite bangles-all over
Vintage lucite and shell earrings-garage sale
Christmas brooches on jacket-Can't remember-probably goodwill
As a matter of fact, I did watch SCTV when it was on. Why do you ask?

How about a cocktail? As I'm dressed feline, let's try a
Barking Dog
1 oz. gin
1 oz. dry vermouth
1 oz. sweet vermouth
2 dashes bitters
Stir well with ice. Strain into glass sand serve with a cherry. 

Here's a little song Mr. ETB wrote
(to the tune of "That's Entertainment")

Oh their paws
when they're playing with string
Oh their eyes
when they're looking at things
and their ears
when they're listening to things...
Cat's Entertainment!

Yes, he has hundreds of these songs, most of which I can't put in print. 


  1. Oh my that leopard jacket & hat are to die for! Is that a tassel hanging from the hat turning it from frumpy pillbox to exotic fez? That jacket should be copied by retro couturiers everywhere, I'll take one in every color!

    Nahema reminds me of Nivea & peaches. ( I was expecting something a bit more Levantine & was sorely disappointed.)

    Mr ETB and I should have a silly poetry set to show tunes contest, I bet we'd even slay Vogons. Probably Azgoths too.

  2. OMG and wow, you look so good in animal print and as for the hat, well. I have said it before I know but you so suit hats. I also like the white fur hat in a few posts back. Tell me, how big is your hat collection? Impressive I bet. Keep warm!!

  3. Drooling over that leopard print ensemble. How utterly glamorous!
    How cold? That's just hideous. xxx

  4. You make a perfect Edith Prickly.

  5. @Bibi

    Don't encourage him!

    I haven't been to the cellar yet to see if any pipes froze, but I might get out of doing laundry today.

    Thank you!

  6. Absolutely love the leopard print! Stay safe and warm. x

  7. @Miss Magpie
    Thank you. The worst of the weather is gone now.

  8. How fabulous are that leopard print coat and hat and even more so combined with the red dress. I had a chuckle at the woman at the register recognizing the bag. It happens to me all the time. I've got quite a narrow shopping universe too ... -27°C, I cannot even imagine how cold that must be! Keep warm, baking and cooking seems like a good way to do so! xxx

  9. @Ann
    D=From your descriptions of the vintage shops in your area, I might need to plan a holiday!

  10. Oh you look fab, Goody! I don't know how I missed this post...

    I love your leopard print coat and hat. So stylish and elegant. I'm still seeking my perfect leopard coat - one day.

    I love all your bracelets and that lovely dress...

    Your three charity shop stores sound like three treasure troves to me!


  11. I like Mr ETB's song! More please...

  12. @Veronica
    Don't encourage him!
    I've had 25 years of being treated to his songwriting talents ;)

  13. I cannot begin to imagine how cold it must be where you are - our Christmas day was 14 degrees C. Temperatures like yours sound unbearable.

  14. @Mim
    It already warmed up, but we're expecting snow next week. It comes with living here, I suppose. Why I live here is a valid question I can't quite answer.
