
Monday, December 19, 2016

Piano Shawl

 This velvet piano shawl was hanging on a rail wedged between ratty acrylic knit scarves and table runners. I thought it was too good to be true, and I'd discover some terrible flaw-none appeared. I can't say it was the best $1.99 I ever spent, but damn near. I pulled myself together, grabbed my wallet and got out of there before anyone decided they needed to re-price it. This is a luxurious piece, and the fringe were all in perfect condition. Maybe the thrifting gods can come up with an Assuit shawl next.
The dress is another .49 cent find from Goodwill. I bought it last summer, and I very nearly didn't because I really don't need an 80's velour dress. I quickly came to my senses-at that price I wouldn't need to feel guilty passing it along after one wear. After wearing it, I'm no longer certain about passing it along as I rather like the colour and fit. Sure the sleeves are goofy, but I think removing the elastic ought to remedy that. 
 Outfit Particulars:
1980's dress-Goodwill
Vintage piano shawl-Hand-Me-Ups
Gemstone necklace(long) Garage sale
Stranded vintage beads-Hand-Me-Ups
Shiny Brite Christmas corsage-Thrift World
Earrings-Can't remember
Bakelite bangles-all over
Belt-can't remember
Tartan shoes-Goodwill
Clutch bag-Goodwill (It looks more like a makeup bag to me, but it has a chain inside)
Fragrance-Vintage Opium, because I hate people and want to wear socially inappropriate perfume because I was in the mood for it.

Who want's a drink? How about a
Honolulu Lulu?

1 oz. gin
1 oz. Benedictine
1 oz. Maraschino

Stir well with ice, strain into glass.
What the hell this has to do with Hawaii I can't guess, but gin and Benedictine sounds good to me. I used to adore Benedictine, but it got too expensive to justify keeping on hand. Maybe a bottle will follow me home when I do the shopping this week. 

I'm running out of time to get all the holiday clothing worn. I think I can get the sparkly party clothes before New Year's, but next year I should start earlier-I own far too much of this crazy stuff. I doubt very much I'll be doing daily posts after New Year's, but nothing is written in stone. My winter wardrobe does get a bit drab come January. 


  1. Wow! Great find with that scarf! It's beautiful.
    I love vintage Opium. It's one of my favorites.
    I enjoy the drink recipes you've been sharing. Some of them sound darn tasty.

  2. Your interesting and frequent posting are a joy. Thank you, and the happiest of holidays, the happiest of ever afters.

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Perfume- do you know of "Brigand" by Jacques Esterel? I used to buy it in Paris years ago , still have 1/2 a bottle left and love it!

  4. That scarf is stunning. Is it called a piano scarf because one would wear it to play the piano? I love it with the wine coloured dress, a very luxurious look.
    Also, tartan shoes! Also, great green earrings!
    Don't forget that Christmas is until the 5th of January, surely you could continue airing the collection for the whole twelve days?
    And what about those Victorian boots? We haven't forgotten them, do let us see.

  5. Goody,
    Gift the dress, revel in the piano shawl, and what better time of year in such a spicy yet thoroughly offensive fragrance?
    I can see why you liked the dress because the color & sheen of the fabric is gorgeous. (Crimson red looks far better on you though.) But the length, sleeves, neck treatment, and overall silhouette are a NO. And I mean that because you deserve only the most fabulous fitting clothing. /That dress is a good example of 80's frump though.

    I have a pink silk ombre piano shawl with the same fringe, pink must have been a turn of the century parlor trend?

    Benedictine plus gin sounds yum but with maraschino cherry juice? I don't know.

  6. A Shiny Brite corsage, Made in Japan, and still in the package! Gads, woman, that treasure and the condition of the fabulous shawl leads one to suspect a time portal opened up in your favorite thrifty shoppe. (Went to the theatre last night wearing 4 layers under my cape, and a boring cloche on my noggin. Your corsage is exactly what I wanted to pin on the hat -- I made do with a doodad from my Christmas junque jewelry box.)

  7. That shawl is gorgeous on you. What a fabulous colour, I only ever find them in funereal black and end up looking like a demented Italian widow.
    I'm glad you bought the dress, it fits fabulously and the sleeves are gloriously 1980s.
    Keep the party gear coming, the only time I wear party gear is out of the party season. Inappropriate as always! xxx

  8. Oh wow, that shawl is a real beauty, and a bargain to boot. The dress is indeed a fabulous colour on you, and perfect for the season. Your comment about Opium made me chuckle - perfume as weaponry! xxx

  9. That shawl is amazingly fabulous! I think if I had found it it would have been the best moment in my charity shopping career. It's beautiful and such a lovely shade of pink.

    I love your 80s velour dress but I agree; the sleeves are a bit weird and could be improved by removing the elastic. I love the corsage and the green earrings are gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen tartan and patent combined in a shoe before; very unusual.

    My party wear is a bit boring compared to yours...!

  10. @Bobbi
    I appreciate Opium more than I love it, but I'm trying!
    Let me know if you try any of the drinks.

    Thank you, that is such a kind thing to say. Happy holidays to you as well.

    I don't know that one! I'll have to keep an eye out for it-the strangest vintage perfumes show up in thrift stores and yard sales.

    I think people would drape them over a grand piano when it was closed, sort of like knitting a hat for the extra roll of loo paper on the back of the toilet.

    I don't think that frump is the dress:)
    I'm going to fiddle with the sleeves and try a better bra before I surrender it. I'm too old to care if something makes me look like a potato.

    I think the portal is somewhere around the Quad cities before you hit the river. Next thing you know, Iowa opens up before you and it is still 1964.

    Do you have a glue gun? Seriously, you wouldn't believe the stuff you can make with hot glue to hold it together. I'm sure you looked lovely-share photos! What did you see?

    Demented Italian Widow sounds like my kind of look. Now you've made me want a mantilla.

    Thank you. I'm not the passive aggressive type, except when it comes to perfume.

    You party wear is wonderful-I loved the outfit you wore to the work party. You looked positively glam!

  11. That shawl is such a great find, especially in such an unusual colour. Seeing where you found it, they probably thought it was a tablecoth! That dress should be a keeper, I'm sure something can be done about the sleeves. Oh, Opium, that takes me back. I remember wearing it in the 80s. xxx

  12. @Ann

    You're right-they probably did think it was for a table. I should check the linen rails more often.
