
Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Velvet Boots

Yeah, yeah, I know, "Leggings aren't pants, blah, blah, blah."

These boots might be the most impractical wardrobe item I own. 

Yeah well, practical clothes are boring. The best part of thrifting my wardrobe is not feeling guilty for owning impractical clothes.

Is it me or does the elf look like he's wielding an explosive?

Outfit Particulars:
Velvet tunic-Jordan Marsh about 25 years ago!
Glitter leggings-Target
Handbag-Thrift World
Necklaces-All Hand-Me-Ups
Earrings-Target, years ago
Lucite bangle-Goodwill
Rootbeer Bakelite bangle-Salvation Army
Everyone likes a wee drinky at the holidays...
 The perfect Christmas gift for the animal loving drunk in your life. I wonder if they've sold any of these? Wouldn't that be a surprise gift?!

Speaking of drunks, I saw a local bar is having a "Drunk Spelling Bee." I'd lose, for certain!

Today's Cocktail is a little racy.

                                                  Between The Sheets:
                                                      1/2 oz. light rum
                                                      1/2 oz. triple sec
                                                      1/2 oz. brandy
                                                      1/2 oz. lemon juice
                                      Shake well with ice and strain into glass.

Not drunk...still can't act normal (or spell).
I'm off to study the dictionary.


  1. Wow! or perhaps Wrowrf!? Those boots would find a place on my shoe shelves neatly labelled: "Suicide, for wearing to commit." On a brighter note, they're absolutely the thing to wear whilst consuming a "Between the Sheets" (which appears to be equally lethal).

  2. Zowie! Those boots and Keora too? I concur with Beth, just the combo for today's cocktail.

  3. Don't take it as an insult when I say you dress like my Mum, her style was legendary. This is exactly her kind of outfit, masses of gold, leopard print, leggings, velvet and bangles.
    I love those boots. xxx

  4. Boots, boots, kinky boots! I don't think I'd even be able to walk in them, let alone look anywhere near as good as you do. That's a super outfit.

  5. Awesome boots!
    Those wine bottle holders, though...weird.
    Drunk spelling would be hilarious.

  6. Impractical never looked so wonderful! LOVE those boots on you, you look like Stevie Nicks! xxx

  7. @Beth
    I really have no business wearing heels like that-and I pay dearly for it. By the time winter really sets in, I'll pack them away as heels and wet pavement don't mix.

    The boots attracted plenty of attentions and comments-alas they were from teenagers wanting to know where I bought them.

    I'm not insulted at all-that's a great compliment.

    You'd look great in them with one of your 60's outfits. They are murder to walk in. I did a big run the following day and my feet and lower back were in agony.

    I mean, who would you buy one for?! I keep company with a pretty diverse crowd, but I don't know anyone that would want that.

    Than you. I must have Stevie Nicks on the brain because I went out wrapped up in a velvet piano shawl with a mile of fringe on it today.

  8. Wow, Goody you look fabulous. I haven't got time today to tell how fabulous you look but take it from you do!!!

  9. Fabulous boots! I wouldn't be able to make it to the end of our street in those heels, though (and we do live near the corner). But indeed there's no guilt trip involved in owning impractical clothes or shoes when you're thrifting ... I've even got a few things I'll probably never wear, but couldn't resist anyway. I'm loving the Bakelite and lucite bangles too. xxx

  10. Fabulous! I love the fact that no one meeting you in today's outfit would dream that you would ever wear yesterday's- or the other way round. I add mayseld to the list of those who could not walk in those boots.
