
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Got You Under My Heels

 I caved, and bought the shoes. It isn't every day you find squirrel shoes, you know!
It is difficult to see in the photos, but their bellies have a fuzzy fabric. The knit acorns are detachable. I wore them out today and heard quite a lot of, "Oh my god that lady has squirrels on her shoes!" One woman requested a photo. I have some nice shoes, but no one has ever asked for a photo of them. These were fun, and I was pleased to be able to spread a few smiles around town. They hurt like the dickens, but they looked great.
"Yeah, well they look like dinner as far as I'm concerned."
I knew such special shoes would require a nicer-than-typical dress. This wild 60's number was begging to be worn.

 The dress is a shiny, textured nylon material that was popular when I was a child. I bought the dress with the original tags from Goldblatt's on it. I had to laugh at that as I wouldn't have been caught dead near Goldblatt's when I was young (it was cheap and frequented by old people in search of a bargain). Today, being just that sort of person in search of a bargain, I wish Goldblatt's still existed. Oh well, I'm thrilled to pieces with the dress.

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage 60's Dress-Etsy seller Cloistered Muse
Necklace-Goodwill. My best guess is Ethiopian as I bought it in a set with a Lion of Judah pendant. Could be Jamaican by way of Ethiopia-or it could be something else entirely. Any experts have an opinion?
Irregular Choice Nibbles McNutty Shoes-Ashbury Skies
Vintage belt-Thrift World (the dress had the original gold belt, but I didn't like it)
Vintage straw bag-Yard sale
Fragrance-Vintage formulation Cabochard (that was the end of the bottle. Sob. I have so much perfume it seems crazy to replace a fragrance most people find offensively strong but...well, you know how I absolutely live to offend).
We had some wild cloud-to-cloud lightning the other night. The storm never materialised on the ground, but it was fascinating to watch up in the sky.
We have a new statue on the college campus. I don't know why they stuck it off in a corner of the parking lot no one sees, but in the process of assembling it they did away with the nice picnic bench beneath the tree. The statue sits atop a very steep hill overlooking a lower cement parking area. I give it a month before some drunken student climbs the statue and goes tumbling down 50 ft. It is a nursing college, so at least they shouldn't have trouble finding someone to administer first aid.
I'm laughing here because our postman just drove by, slowed nearly to a stop, leaned out the truck, and gave me a waving peace-sign as he went by. He's my age, so it was funny. Far out, maaaaaan.
 I hope you're having a lovely weekend.


  1. You have a great weekend too Goody! Hey, if one of those squirrels does plumbing please send her my way....I'm on the verge of firing mine

    Happy thrifting ;)

  2. Words fail me...

    OK, I'll make the effort to amass the accolades at your feet. Ethiopian? Without a doubt!
    Glorious Goldblatt's? Where else for such a pattern, such a price?
    Those things on your feet? Who needs comfort when you can have xxxx!
    xxxx? Again, words fail me.

    Whatever you paid, it was worth it, if only for the encounter with the postman. You made his day and mine. :)

  3. @Thrifty Parka
    Aw you know squirrels-they just get into your walls and destroy stuff, not fix it. I'd offer to help but the closest I get to plumbing is having installed a garbage disposal. Once. In 1982. Did it though, and that was pre internet searching for a wiki on how to do it. I hope you get it all sorted soon.

    Aw, thank you!
    I had loads of fun putting the outfit together, and it makes me happy to know people are enjoying it.

    I paid too much for those shoes, but shhhhh.

  4. Ahhhhh! That dress!!! It's SO GOOD!!!
    I admit, the shoes are pretty special... BUT! That DRESS! I can't even.

  5. Too bad those shoes hurt because THEY'RE FAB!
    I'm certain my younger self would have been aghast, but I love that dress!
    We get lightning storms that you can see up in the mountains from our house like that here.
    I'll pass on the Cabochard but would have love to have tried it's floral sister, Chouda.

  6. @Radostin
    Thank you! That means a lot coming from you. I've been enjoying your instagram so much I might need to sign up just so I can remind you how awesome you are.

    Never tried (or even saw) Chouda but...years ago we had a mechanic named Chouda that kept a monkey in the shop. We asked a local what the deal with the monkey was and they replied, "Well, he never married." So there you are, perfectly sensible. I'm sure you're glad I shared that!
    I just bought a bottle of Gres Caline which isn't as gourmand as I feared and makes a rather nice summer fragrance. You might like it.

  7. Those shoes are amazingly weird - but cute. I love the dress; such fab colours and a wonderful pattern. The necklace is rather gorgeous whether it's Ethiopian or Jamaican it is fabulous!

    I think the statue is brilliant and so is your postman!

    Hope you had a great weekend.

  8. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I remember Goldblatt's and didn't they have the green S and H coupons to collect?
    What are you doing about the Solar Eclipse? We have cancelled our OR trip because of crowds/heat etc. Jan

  9. @Veronica
    I was born to do weird ;)

    Gosh, we had stacks of green stamps I don't think were ever redeemed. The drop-off day for the fair is on the day of the eclipse, so I'll be in Grand Island, which is supposed to be a prime viewing spot. Mr. ETB will probably stay here in Omaha and catch it at the UNO observatory up the street from us.

  10. Love both the shoes and the dress. I've never braved IC as the heels look awfully high in photos, but they don't look absurdly high on you. And squirrels are always a winner.

  11. Oh my! Squirrels! I must admit, they don't look the most comfortable, but they're certainly showstoppers! I did briefly covet the flamingo heeled ones I have seen, but decided straight off the bat that shoes that pretty would likely be very uncomfortable!

    Isn't it funny how all too often when we're little we recoil at certain things, then are drawn to them as grown ups! Though saying that, I am now dressing exactly how my younger self longed too! I loved the fifties revival in the eighties and wore my clothes till I literally outgrew them and had to wear boring 'modern' things.

    How much perfume do you have? I have very, very little. I have a couple or three bottles of 4711. I have a bottle of jasmine perfumed oil, which knocks most peoples socks off, as they find it too heady but I love heady florals with a passion, but am so close to the end of the bottle, that I dare not use it as I can't find a replacement bottle. It used to be readily available from hippy type shops, but they are few and far between round these parts. I also have a bottle of perfume from Lush which is a mix of Jasmine, ylang ylang, rose, vanilla and sandalwood which I am in love with. I also have another Lush perfume which I can't get along with, which was a gift and is vanilla absolute, tonka and a hint of jasmine but it smells really odd on first application, then calms down, but it's the initial fragrance which puts me off using it. Then I was given a bottle of Sisley Izia Eau de Parfum in a goodie bag from a magazine I subscribed to, as an apology. I just can't figure out what I think of that one.

    Now I have written an epic comment, I shall leave it there!

  12. Those squirrel shoes are probably the craziest things I've ever seen, I love them. Someone asked for a photo? I'm surprised the entire town didn't!
    Goldblatts, what a great name. The dress is pretty fantastic, too.
    The only African jewellery I'm familiar with is that tribal stuff made from beads, offcuts of paper or stiffened fabric or beaten brass. Whatever the necklace is I love it. xxx

  13. Well, I am bowled over and blushing! Thank you, you just made my day (at least)!

    Well, come on in, the water's fine. Just to tempt you further, "Helga Von Trollop", for example, is on your blog roll but I believe no longer blogs; however, she is on instagram as vontiddlehoffen...

  14. @Mim
    They're not more than a few inches, but I stupidly bought the shoes too large and my feet slide forward. Nothing an insole (or socks) can't solve.

    You REALLY don't want to know how much perfume I own! It is terrifying. Try for jasmine oil. I think they ship internationally, but I'm not positive about that. The UK is tricky to ship perfume to, but oils are different (I think). I can't recommend a jasmine perfume for you as I can't smell jasmine! Seriously, of all the anosmias I could develop it had to be jasmine?! Vanilla and tonka seems a bit much-one or the other unless you're Guerlain! Good luck finding your oil.

    I spent the day in Iowa-I'm pretty sure, "Squirrel Lady" is now some sort of minor celeb!
    Glad you're back.

    Ah, so that's where she's been hiding! Send her my love, will you?

  15. Those squirrel shoes really cracked me up, and I was in a coffee shop in Wales, using their free wifi at the time! I've never seen the likes of them! What a pity they hurt. Your fabulous wild dress is doing a good job attracting attention away from the shoes, though. xxx
