
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Great Chieftain O' the Puddin Race

A  veggie haggis for your Burns Supper on 25 January. Serve with plenty of whisky. Clapshot and Clootie dumpling optional.

I've used this recipe for years (no idea where I found it originally) and have made it successfully by omitting the nuts. If you have them, crushed pretzels make a good substitute for nuts in savoury recipes, but if not you can simply leave the nuts out. If you have leftovers, it ain't half bad sliced and fried in butter (or a substitute) the next day. I'm told it can be battered and deep fried, but I haven't personally tried that (nor do I intend to).

I've had something viral coming in for a few days now, and it finally hit this morning. I suspect I will be sitting out most of the festivities tomorrow (or staying in bed to drink whisky for the er...medicinal value) but this recipe is so easy even Danny can make it. Strangely, the only thing I've felt like eating are Good & Plenty liqourice which are similar to the oblong shaped pieces in Allsorts. Danny insists they look like pill perhaps they are therapeutic😀. Before I leap into the recipe, I thought I would run some potential new blog titles past you. After nearly 15 years at this I am looking for a change. Here's what I've come up with thus far:

Abnormal Sensations
Violating Plague Laws Brings a Stiff Penalty
A Goth in Each Hand
Bad Relationship With Stairs
I've Had Better Coffee At Jiffy Lube
Stupid Methusila
Pube Mange
Diplomat From Interzone

Yeah, it probably is the fever speaking. Anyhoo, I'm off to try and find a position to sleep in that isn't excruciating. Wishing you a very Happy Burns Night for tomorrow.

You Will Need:
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 small carrot, finely chopped
5 fresh mushrooms finely chopped
1 cup veggie broth
1/3 cup dry red lentils
2 tablespoons tinned kidney beans-mashed
3 tablespoons ground peanuts (can be omitted with no harm done)
2 tablespoons ground hazelnuts (omit if you like)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 1.2 teaspoons dried thyme
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
pinch cayenne pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons mixed spice
1 large egg, beaten
1 1/3 cup steel cut oats
1 tablespoon black pepper

Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat and saute the onion 5 minutes. Mix in carrot and mushrooms and cook another 5 minutes. Stir in broth, lentils, kidney beans, peanuts, hazelnuts, soy sauce and lemon juice. Season with spices. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer 10 minutes. Stir in oats. cover and simmer 20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 C) Grease a 5x9 in. baking dish. Stir the egg into the saucepan. Pack mixture into prepared pan and bake 30 minutes until firm.


  1. Abnormal Sensations hits the nail on the head, I think (and I say that with a great love for your blog). I loved your cut down peach lurex dress in your previous post including those wonderful holographic boots - I wish Australia's Kmart stocked half the great items they do in the US.

    I hope you feel much better soon - medicinal whisky sounds good. We are having a two week spell of over 30 degrees celcius: I am hanging out for the Winter Olympics to start so I can feel a bit cooler!

  2. My brother, who lived in the Middle East for decades and has eaten sheep's eyes at banquets, shudders at the mention of a haggis. "There's a very good reason, Sis, why the Scots' banquet parade has a tray of whisky on offer after the laddie carrying the haggis."

    Beware the 'flu this season!It's landed coworkers in hospital within 3 days! Please have Mr. ETB take you to a doc-in-a-box for tests to identify the virus and obtain the appropriate Tamiflu. Even folks who had the Hong Kong flu back when have been told this bug can lay us low.

  3. That sounds like a nice tasty veggie alternative.

    We didn't go to the butcher last Saturday and so have no haggis for tonight :-( On the plus side, perhaps he'll have plenty of unsold haggis going cheap this weekend.

  4. I love Abnormal Sensations. May I also suggest Do Not Spray in Eyes or perhaps Does This Look Infected?

  5. get well soon - dear goody!
    can´t decide on the titles - but medical whisky drinking sounds inviting....... ;-D

  6. I have to admit that I've never tasted haggis ... Not sure about the blog titles, although I quite like the sound of Diplomat From Interzone. I'm not sure either if any of them is going to get you more followers ;-) Anyway, get better soon, and keep up the medicinal whisky drinking. xxx

  7. Oh, no! I wish you a speedy vanquishing of the virus!

  8. 15 years blogging? OMG! I am so impressed. No, you can't have any of those titles they all sound really rude...

    Hope you start feeling better soon. I bet the whisky helped!

  9. @Alli
    I have been reading about your heatwave and it sounds horrible. Hope it breaks soon. Most of our K Marts are closing, but they still have an excellent online site, often with free shipping promotions. Don't know if the Australian site is as good, but worth a look.

    Haggis isn't so bad if you aren't bothered by the smell. I was amused to see you can buy, "Haggis in a tin" on Amazon. We live in amazing times. I don't think mine is flu-hasn't hit the respiratory system, but yeah this year sounds BAD.

    Cut-Rate Haggis could also work as a blog title!

    I love Do Not Spray in Eyes!

    I'll have a glass and toast you!

    I have all the followers I need...the best ones :)

    My dad would drink peppermint schnaaps when he was sick. He'd bundle up in a wool dressing gown, make a pot of tea, and sit in the bathroom with the shower running to "Steam out the cold." To his credit, he only missed about three days of work in close to 65 years, so there might be something to it. I'm keeping it simple with whisky!
