
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cinnamon Crisps

The recipe for the “Cinnamon Crisps” (we used to call these “Elephant Ears” where I grew up) comes from a Better Homes and Gardens Homemade Bread Cookbook from 1973. Somewhat amusingly, the book tells readers:

“You won’t have to buy Cinnamon Crisps at the bakery once you’ve discovered that you can prepare them in your own kitchen.”

Which is funny, because I can honestly say that in all my years, I’ve never actually felt compelled in the “have to” sense, to purchase cinnamon crisps at the bakery. But that’s me-your compulsions may differ.

The recipe calls for pecans, which I omitted due to allergy.

Honestly, I thought they were just a bit too sweet, though my son demolished his. These are really sort of a child’s pastry anyhow, and they were really no effort at all to make, so disappointing as I found them, for what they are, I suppose the crisps were ok. The sort of thing it might be fun to bring to work if someone were having a going-away party or a pot-luck. They look fragile, but will travel well.

You Will Need:
(Makes 24)

3 ½ cups all purpose flour
1 package (2 ¼ teaspoons) active dry yeast
1 ¼ cups milk
¼ cup granulated sugar
¼ cup butter
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
¼ cup butter, melted
½ cup packed brown sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ cup butter melted (plus additional for final brushing)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon

In a large mixer bowl, combine 2 cups of the flour with the yeast. In a saucepan, heat the milk until lukewarm and butter has melted, Add sugar and salt. Add to dry ingredients. Add egg. Beat at low speed for 30 seconds, then at high speed for three minutes, scraping sides constantly. Add enough of remaining flour by hand to form a soft dough. Gather together in a ball and place in an oiled bowl. Cover and let rise until doubled, 1 ½ hours-2.

Punch down, divide in two and let rest 10 minutes.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Roll out one portion into a 12 inch square. Spread half of a mixture of butter/sugar/cinnamon mixture over dough. Roll-up like a jelly roll and slice into 12 pieces. Place 3 inches apart on greased pan. Repeat with other half. Let rise 30 minutes.

Cover each sheet with waxed paper and with a rolling pin, gently flatten to 1/8 thickness. Carefully remove waxed paper. Brush tops with melted butter, and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar mixture. Replace waxed paper and press flat again. Remove paper and bake for 10-13 minutes. Remove from pans and cool on rack.

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