
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Prednisone Blogging

If I'm going to gain twenty pounds, it had better be with food I actually enjoy consuming.

Still waiting to find out if the Grim Reaper is at my door. I'm starting my second 20 day mega-course of steroids in a month's time. I figure, with the Methotrexate making me want to puke most of the time, maybe the whole weight gain thing will end up a draw.

Obviously, one's ideas about meal planning change a bit when faced with debilitating illness and medication that makes one consume large quantities of food. Oh sure, I was going to be good-I even made a pot of brown rice and have plain, unsweetened yoghurt in the ice box. And it was going well, really. Until my husband reminded me that we have an anniversary next week and he'd like me to make a goose confit. Goose! I mean, duck, ok I could manage that-but a preserved goose! Oh my stars.

Certainly, I agreed. Look, if the poor man after all he's had to put up with lately wants a jar of preserved goose meat at the ready-I'm not going to deny him. It isn't a terribly difficult thing to do, but it is awfully time consuming. Then, there's the problem of salt-peter which is apparently an ingredient used in making explosives as well as preserved meats. It is no longer readily available at the pharmacy and you can figure no one (in the "everything's changed" America) is going to believe I'm making Goose Confit to celebrate our anniversary. So yes, I'm going to need to find an appropriate substitution that won't result in having me designated a goose-preserving-confit-eating terrorist.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out that if I go from posting recipes for dulse and endive salad to orange curd filled chocolate gateaus-it's the prednisone fueling it.


  1. We're working our way through a batch of extremely successful slow-cooker chili, good enough that I went back and wrote down a recipe from what I had done and posted it on, a first.

    Preserved goose meat! Confit even! Out of my league!

    WWBD? What Would Burroughs Do? It sounds like fun, although I am too much of a chicken shit to do even 1/100th of what he did, so I would not know what he would say. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted". He is my favorite author, a hero even, but Paul Bowles is also my favorite, and a hero. Why would such a straight man have such queer heroes?

    That medicine sounds serious. A tremendous boon to my own health and well being has been a self-awareness practice, about 20 minutes a day. "I Am".

  2. I think "Let's ask Paul Bowles" would be excellent, though the answers might all have to do with castration and being buried up to the neck in sand. Oh well, what are you goona do?

    Finally, someone that appreciates the Beat authors.

    I had to move all my old Totem Press pamphlets to a high shelf as my two year old thought (ignoring the protective plastic sleeves) that they were just right for a kid. I caught him with my ancient copy of "Prefce to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note" and thought "hey kid, that's you college tuition there, handle it gently."

    Anyway, glad we finally got to say hello. Best to your family.
