
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Why Won't She Post More Often?

(Aww, don't cry. I'll be back to regular posting soon-I promise).

I simply have not had a chance to sit down and write posts. You know that saying carpenters have about “measure twice, cut once”? Well, it applies to sewing as well. It seems I forgot the adage and ruined some very pricey, impossible to replace vintage fabric I’d been saving for years. I decided to use it as the outer border on a quilt I’m making as a gift-and then I screwed-up. I could salvage it by cutting smaller pieces as inserts to make-up the shortfall, but I don’t think that will look as nice as admitting I blew-it and starting over. I knew something would go wrong as I was congratulating myself on being nearly finished with the project. I should have sensed disaster when the embroidered quilt blocks came together so quickly. As the entire thing is being done without a pattern (I did plan it out on paper first) I can’t blame it on not following directions. After two hours of kneeling on the floor trying to pin-it, cut and fix it, I gave up. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get up off the floor! Eh, rheumatoid arthritis stinks. I laughed for a few moments remembering the commercial for those devices the elderly wear about their necks to ring for help. They had the most fantastic television ad years ago where a woman that looked like my granny was screaming into her necklace.
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

Strangely, the ad seemed less amusing from the vantage point of being stuck on the floor with my hip joints locked into place. I dragged myself over to the piano (let’s have three cheers for heavy furniture-hip, hip hooray!) and pulled myself upright. I looked around for my cane and remembered that I’d left it in the car-150 yards from the house. !

^@*(%()_+_(%@#farm house with impossibly long%*@#@()(*##!!^&%driveways.

Anyway, I’m ok as long as I don’t try to overdo it and spending anything beyond five minutes on the floor is pushing it. I don’t have better results using the dining room table and in truth, it is one of the main reasons I had to quit working at the fabric store years ago. I’m not terribly tall, yet leaning over a cutting table just does me in. Perhaps when we move I can design a built-in cutting table in a sewing room that is appropriate for my height. Until then, perhaps I ought to look into one of those emergency alert necklaces.

The up-side of this was the delicious egg sandwich my husband made me for dinner last evening (as I was stuck in bed). On a couple of well-toasted and buttered pieces of struan bread, it was really a treat.

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