
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cowboy Dan The Comedy Man

One of the very best things about being Danny's mum is watching him discover joke telling. I could never successfully tell a gag, as I always mess up the punch line. As his Pa is teaching him most of these jokes, Danny is really only laughing because he knows that's how the routine ends-not because he understands the joke ("why did the cow go to a psychiatrist? Because he had a fodder complex." Ha, ha, ha.) That was, he didn't understand until now.

He finally figured it out-the whole, question and answer/riddle aspect. Mind you, he's two and a half, so the jokes are not actually funny to anyone but a toddler-still, jokes they are indeed. For your amusement, here's my son Danny's first real joke of his own.

Q: "Why did the farmer eat an apple?"

A: "Because he was hungry."

That's my boy.

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