
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chocolate Malt Cookies

I could probably go the rest of my life without consuming malted milk and not miss it in the least. I'm clearly in the minority at our house. Last year, I experimented with making malted milk squares coated in chocolate that everyone raved about, but I rated as so-so. In other words, I'm not really the person to assess these cookies. Danny however, wolfed down three of them after a somewhat large lunch and would have eaten three more had I not stopped him. The kid is just in love with malt (and chocolate). I look at it this way; at least he's not clamouring for grilled sheep kidneys. I can do a reasonable job supplying him with his favourite sweets.

THIS recipe comes from Chris at The Accidental Housewife, where you should all go immediately to begin reading. Go on, shoo.

Just a note-the cookie filling has three ounces of cream cheese in it. As it is uncooked, I was concerned about the safety of leaving them out (though I probably could, it's bloody freezing here). I layered mine in a large casserole dish with waxed paper between the layers and have been bringing them out twenty minutes before serving. This is probably unnecessary, but with medications that suppress my immune system, I'm not taking chances (unless it is a really, really, expensive slice of ripe, unpasteurised cheese-but I'm not taking the chance for malt). Do as you think best. I did briefly think of substituting Crisco in the recipe but was afraid Martha Stewart might catch wind of it and come up here to kick the shit out of me. Have you ever been knocked down and repeatedly kicked in the face with a Bass Weejun? It hurts! So yeah, don't go for the solid shortening, just take precautions with room temperature dairy as you see fit.

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