
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gee, That Liver Smells Offal

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I opened the package of thawed beef livers to wash them off and they fell apart in my hands. I don't think that's supposed to happen. I might have added a few new words to Danny's vocabulary. I took a deep breath, grabbed a plastic bag and sealed them up tightly to toss out. I'm sure the feral cats that wander around the farm rubbish pit will be delighted.

That's OK, at least I had the potatoes. Actually, the potato pudding was going fine-great even. I plunked it all into a pan and set it in the oven only to turn around and realise the bread crumbs and baking powder were still in a bowl on the counter. I pulled the entire thing out of the oven, dumped it in a pot, re-stirred the dry ingredients in and baked it. I'm sure it will be fine, if I can pry it off the pan I forgot to re-grease before refilling.

But hey, everyone has those kinds of days-at least I had the pretty pink white chocolate truffles to decorate the grapefruit mousse mould, right? Oh well, I guess they decided today was going to be the day my "never-fail" truffles failed. They never set. OK, well I still have the grapefruit mould, right?

I do. It was a bit tricky unmoulding and I'm afraid it is terribly plain looking as well, but if you think I'm going to risk losing it by opening the freezer door before I'm ready to serve it, think again. At the rate I'm going, that might be all we have for dinner.

There really ought to be a rule that if you screw-up three things in the process of making dinner you get to dine out.

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