
Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Good Day Thrifting

I'm now the proud owner of a large stack of Kitchen Klatter magazines from the 1940's through the early 80's. I can't wait to bake Steak And Onion Pie. I paid (you should sit down for this) .27 cents each. I bought dozens. They sell for absurd amounts of money on-line, but I'm not selling them-oh no, they're mine. I'm so excited I could pee my pants.

If you're from Nebraska the New Life Thrift Shop in Bellevue also sells children's books for .29 cents and always seems to have a large selection of Whitman books from the 50's and 60's if you like them-and we do. The artwork is just so darned cute and if you're imaginative can be used for numerous craft projects.

Then, I mean, since we were already in Bellevue, we went to the Goodwill which sells their children's books for .39 cents (only at that location). That includes hardcovers. Because it is next to Offutt AFB you see the most incredible selection of books people have brought from everywhere. Today it was Dandelion Library flip-books (the ones that have two stories but you have to flip the book around) and nature books. I spent something like seven dollars today and came home with my arms filled with treasures.

I also picked up a set of nesting babushka dolls (complete) marked USSR (so not a recent tourist object). I paid the grand sum of .89 cents for it, which was a bit above budget but eh, the kid liked it.

If you are a local I should mention that the Orchid show is going on at Lauretizen Gardens (Omaha's botanical gardens) which was our first stop today. I didn't buy any orchids, but we had a lovely time viewing the exhibits. We've been making the most of our membership and sometimes it does feel like a home away from home. Danny brought his little plastic sprinkling can (because the flowers might get thirsty-but we only pretended to water them) and marched around serving as docent for any unsuspecting visitors that didn't know what a pansy, orchid or laurel tree were. I see a summer job in his future.

Well, I'm off to read my Kitchen Klatters.

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