
Friday, April 18, 2008

Ask The Hive Mind

I know we have some creative/artistic people visiting here so I thought I might pick your brains for a moment. I am in the planning stages of a needlework project that will eventually be a wedding present. I am making the couple a Fractur (in a design similar to THIS). Instead of pen and ink/watercolour, I'm thinking of embroidering it on a rather nice piece of Irish Linen I've been saving for years (I knew I'd use it-eventually). It is a natural coloured linen and for thread I was thinking of using THIS cotton (I have about a dozen balls of it already-in the wrong colours). Is there a pearl cotton you think is better (other than DMC)?

My questions are:

A) Will this look cheap? Should I just bite the bullet and buy them a domed cheese board or something? I will not be attending the wedding, just sending a gift.

B) Do you think the natural/rough linen will look good with pearl cotton? I'm going for a folk-art look.

C) How would you mount and frame it? Exposed? Under glass?

I really would appreciate any thoughts. I have a few months to get this completed.


  1. That seems like a ton of work, if the bride doesn't like the design... it would be a shame.

    My sister embroidered a wedding gift for me with our wedding date, a poem and celtic desin. 30 years later and I still cherish it.

    Framing... I have seen it both ways. Under glass is much easier to keep clean (I prefer non-glare). Many say that you should never cover needlework with glass... but I think it's a personal choice.

    50 years ago someone took my parents wedding invitation and embellished the flowerws on it with water colors. My Aunt did the same for me and I did the same for my sister and brother. My mom has all of the invitations framed and displayed on her den wall. A cherished personalized memento.

    My favorite gift to give (since I don't have time for crafts) are a set of nesting mixing bowls from Williams-Sonoma. I think they are made from melamine, pretty colors, very functional!

  2. The invitation tradition is a lovely idea.

    It's difficult to know what the bride will like as I don't know her. The couple will be starting their lives together living in community, so I sort of doubt she has a china pattern picked out (hubby-to be is pretty anti-consumerist, and it's a safe bet they didn't register for gifts).

    I used to be a pretty fast stitcher...but that was before I got old and started going blind ;)
