
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Night In Nebraska

I feel sort of guilty. For three years I kept Danny away from television and tonight I let him sit on my bed and watch both The Laurence Welk Show, and Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians. They've been running both shows on our local PBS channel for as long as I can remember and probably will forever. What else are you going to do on a Saturday night in Nebraska? Might as well dance to Guy Lombardo on the telly.

Danny was less impressed with the Laurence Welk Show, and seemed mildly upset by the freakish appearance of the performers.

"What's wrong with that lady mama?"

"Nothing is wrong with her baby. We all looked like that in 1975."

I think it was the Farrah Fawcet hair and the robin's egg blue eyeshadow that he found so disturbing, but the clothes were pretty outlandish too (floor-length Holly-Hobbie dresses, anyone?). At any rate, he seemed to prefer the look of men wearing tuxedos and a ton of Brill Cream in their hair on Guy Lomabardo. It's just like New Year's Eve-in late April.

While my little guy was busy learning the words to The Hop Scotch Polka ("Jump on one foot, jump on two, even if you look like a kangaroo...") I was able to get a good start on the fractur. Tracing out was a nightmare-even with a light table, but the embroidery is going easily. I'm pleased with the way the pearl cotton is working against the linen and so far, the colours seem to work (that is a dark green, though it does look black in the photo).

I'm not looking forward to doing all those leaves in satin stitches, but hey, it is supposed to be folk art-maybe no one will notice my cramped stitching. I'm arthritic and blind-what the heck was I thinking?

Anyway, Passover ends tomorrow at sundown and as far as I'm concerned, not soon enough. With the exception of the gefilte fish, everything has been made from scratch because kosher convenience foods just aren't available around here. It looks like we'll have one box of matzoh left over, which was pretty good calculating on my part (I bought five boxes of regular and two egg for Danny). I am soooo ready to revive my sourdough starter and bake a rye bread.

Anyone want to meet at the Mobil Station tomorrow night for a pizza? I'm serious, our tiny town has a gas station and they make the most incredible pizzas. Someone tried opening a pizzeria in town and lasted half a year-because they couldn't compete with the Mobil. Hey, sometimes you find really great food in strange places.


  1. I would do all of those leaves with outline stitch stems and lazy daisy leaves. Looks like you are off to a good start.

  2. I actually had to go Google "lazy daisy" as I'd never heard of it and it wasn't in my Anchor Manual Of Needlework.

    I don't think it will work here, but what a great stitch to know about- I can see using that in a number of places. Thank you.
