
Friday, June 20, 2008

Someday, He'll Remember This Fondly, I Hope

I needed to go into downtown Lincoln today-something I almost never do. Since the capitol was nearby, it seemed like a good idea to let Danny see it. Built in the 1920's and completed in 1930, the Nebraska State capitol building is a real Art Deco treasure. The building is filled with glorious mosaics and iron work with scenes from nature and mythology. It must have seemed insane at the time to construct such a thing, but it is really a marvel.

Standing a few streets over, waiting for a light to change we found ourselves amid a group of downtown employees taking a smoke break. I pointed over to the dome of the capitol.

"Hey Danny, do you see that guy at the top of the capitol building?"
(Danny nods)
"That's the Sower. It's his building. He has a bag of corn seed slung over his shoulder and when you get closer to the building you have to really run as fast as you can because there's nothing that Sower likes more than pelting kids on the head with corn."
(Snickers from the smoking office workers)
"I mean it, you really need to run."
(Conspiratorial nods from smoking office workers)

-a couple blocks later...

"Mama, why does he throw corn?"
"Because he's a Sower. That's just what Sowers do."
"But why does he hit people on the head with it?"
"Oh, I guess because it's fun."
"That isn't fun."
"It is if you're the Sower."

-nearing the Capitol building...

"OK Danny, run, run run!"

-Runs up steps to door...

"Did he get you? (checking him for injuries)
"No. Did he get you?"
"No. Maybe he knew we were from Saunders county. He doesn't throw as hard at people from rural areas."
"Mama, does he really throw corn?"
"Absolutely. There's a woman at the information desk you can ask if you don't believe me."

He was too shy to ask the woman at the information desk if the Sower pelts people on the head with corn, but I could tell he wanted to.

Next time we visit, I need to pack some popcorn kernels in my purse for effect.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved this post. You are an incredible and wonderful mom. Danny is going to grow up into a fine human being with a great sense of humor.
