
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Carrot Soup And Chips Ahoy Cookies

It was lunchtime, and I needed to do a bit of grocery shopping. Danny didn't really feel like eating as he'd had a good breakfast and I was figuring an early dinner. A snack seemed more appropriate.

"Hey Danny? How would you like cookies for lunch?"

He looked at me like I'd lost my mind and then, smiled as he realised I was serious. We've never bought cookies from a store, and I was curious how he'd react to them. A few minutes later we were in line as Danny clutched his big blue package of Chips Ahoy cookies to his chest with both arms.

"Hey Lady, I have cookies for lunch!" He announced to the cashier. Embarrassed, I admitted I was going to let him sit in the dining area of the store and eat cookies for his midday meal. She thought that was great.

"I'm not sure you'll even like these, they're not like mama's cookies." I tried to explain, but was quickly interrupted with:

"Danny will like them." Turning to the old woman in line behind us,
"Danny likes cookies."

He grabbed that bag, and started running to the dining area.

So you're wondering if he spit them out in disgust-he didn't. He loved them. Ate about six before we stopped him. I couldn't believe it, so I tried one and I have to admit they are much better than I remember them. Smaller, but crisper too.

I suppose he'll always remember that time that his mother let him eat cookies for lunch.

I walked through the produce department looking for something that wasn't two dollars for a red pepper or four dollars (!) for a package of celery. I couldn't find anything worth buying. It would have been different if any of it looked good (though I still wouldn't spend four bucks on celery-ever) but none of it did. That's how I came to make carrot soup.

The soup uses quite a bit of butter, however you could substitute olive oil if you like. Butter was a dollar a pound last week, so of course I have ten pounds of butter sitting in my freezer. This soup can be turned into a meal by adding cooked red beans and some frozen corn. It can also be made with a bit of peanut butter to substitute half the butter and get tossed over cellophane noodles. It is quite versatile. If you plan to refrigerate it (and this makes quite a bit) thin it down more than you think you need to, as it will thicken considerably overnight. I have not tried freezing it, but I don't see why not. It does contain quite a bit of fat, but it is also a massive amount of soup that will only be eaten in small portions.

This soup also goes great with Chips Ahoy cookies-if your three year old will let you have any.

You Will Need:

15 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
2 tablespoons chopped, fresh ginger
1 large onion, chopped
5 cups vegetable broth
1 stick of butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot, melt the butter and oil over medium heat and cook the carrots, onions and ginger until softened-about ten minutes. Add the stock, bay leaf and seasonings. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cover leaving lid slightly ajar. Simmer until carrots are fork soft. Strain, reserving liquid.

Puree in batches in a blender (be careful with hot liquid-please!). Return to pot and thin with broth as needed (I used it all). Re-warm and serve hot. A small dollop of whipped cream in the bowl would be attractive (you've already got a stick of butter in there-might as well go for it).

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