
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hey, Hey, Nice Lady?

Danny now has the cough (and sinus infection) as well. We drove to the paeditrician through a downpour. We've been in such a drought these past few years, I'd almost forgotten what that sort of rain is like to drive in.

I made a pot of Matzo ball soup and I rented movies. We have antibiotics and cough medicine and if all else fails, I'll run out for comic books.

Danny has this cute thing where he will hand female cashiers whatever we're buying and in a very Jerry lewis-type voice, say:

"Hey, hey nice lady, can we buy this?" Usually, people laugh because it is so nerd-like. I'll probably regret this, but I rented The Nutty Professor. I had to. I also rented Pete's Dragon, but I'm pretty sure Danny is going to be captivated by Nutty Professor, which as I already stated, I'm sure I'll live to regret.

I've felt better for the past four days but now it seems to be coming back. Eventually we'll all get well-right? Right?

Damn right, nice lady.

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