
Friday, September 12, 2008

What Is That thing?

No, this cake never need be baked-the visual along with the article is enough. I couldn't serve this to any children I know-not with a straight face. Oh look kids, it's a "raspberry milkshake cake! No, it is a pink monstrosity-sort of like Pepto Bismal ganache.

In the interests of being fair, I asked my three year old what it looked like to him:

Mama: What do you think of this picture?
Danny: What is that thing?
Mama: Cake.
Danny: It is not.
Mama: No really, it is.
Danny: Did you make that thing?
Mama: No, Dan Lepard did-he's famous.
Danny: (scrunching up face) It's a very pink thing.

And it looks like Pepto. I could see baking one of these with wintergreen flavouring as a joke.


  1. The only thing in Mary's mind that could make that better would be if it were shaped like a princess. A beautiful princess.

    I swear to god, that child cannot be related to me. Pink? Princesses? Ian must have been a girl when he was small, 'cause she doesn't get her girlyness from me.

  2. If you go over to my other blog and click on the link to McCarty Musings in the sidebar, you might find yourself in pretty good company ;)

    You haven't bought the Spaghetti-O's with the princesses on it, have you?

  3. I am ashamed to admit that I have, though not willingly. They put those things at a 3 year olds eye level, and rather than deal with a raging fit in the middle of the grocery store, well, let's just say that I pick my fights wisely. Now, they are one of the few things that she willingly eats, and we have to discuss each noodle in detail before it is consumed.

  4. I probably would have bought Danny the Cars ones if he weren't vegetarian, so don't feel bad.
