
Sunday, November 09, 2008

Let's Make A Big Batch Of Goat Tamales

OK, let's!

Since I've posted the recipe before, I won't bother going into detail here except to mention that this time when I browned the meat, I dredged it in a bit of flour which really helped thicken the cooking broth into saucy, goaty-goodness. At least that's what my husband claims (if he keeps helping himself to samples of the shredded, cooked meat, there won't be any to use in the tamales tomorrow. It must be pretty good. We used Guajilo peppers this time which added a bit more spice than the Ancho do, but otherwise, I haven't made many changes to the recipe (why mess with perfection?). I'm serious, this works with goat, beef, poultry, lamb-and would probably work with pork as well. I'm curious to try duck or bison, but maybe that's getting a bit carried away.

I'll steam the tamales tomorrow and then wrap half of them in parchment to freeze for company. A few minutes in the microwave and they are as good as fresh from the steamer. I'll try to post better step-by-step photos tomorrow for the tamale novices, but no promises as we're pretty darn busy around here at the moment.

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