
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lingonberries and Caraway Cheese

For a very limited time, the corner market has lingonberries, Swedish-style cheese and the ever popular lutefisk for sale. They aren't taking orders so first come, first served. If you live in Eastern Nebraska and are interested in scoring some lingonberries drop me an e-mail at cornmotherne at yahoo no spam dot com and I will give you directions. Heck, I might even come out and meet you for a cup of coffee at the gas station.

The woman at the market thought they were stinky (but not nearly as stinky as the lutefisk, dear God nothing smells that bad) but honestly, I don't smell it. I mean, they don't smell fragrant like strawberries or raspberries, but i wouldn't say the smell bad. Maybe farm-living has killed my sense of smell.

So anyway, yes I might have gone a bit overboard, but I really do like lingonberry jam for baking and it is so frightfully expensive to buy as an import. I've never tried making my own, but I now have an absurd amount of the stuff taking up space in the fridge so we're all about to find out if homemade is better. Thankfully, Mr. Eat The Blog also likes lingonberry jam, or he'd probably hit the roof when he finds out how many pounds of them I bought.

You lucky people with an IKEA can already buy fresh and frozen lingonberries whenever you want, but for us this is a pretty exciting thing.

The cheese is just a junky processed cheese with caraway that I really like. It is kind of hard to find (used to be common around here but times and tastes have changed) so I bought a large hunk. I mean, it's cheese and the holidays are coming-you know it is going to be eaten so it wasn't that much of an extravagance...not like the lingonberries. Maybe I should go hide them deeper in the fridge before Mr. Eat The Blog gets home and sees how much I spent.

Grab 'em while supplies last.

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