
Saturday, November 15, 2008

What Do You Serve To Talk About Death?

Because we had the whole family together this week, my in-laws wanted to sit down and discuss plans for their declining years and that sort of thing. We set aside an hour to let them discuss things and we set Danny up with a video to keep him occupied. As we waited for everyone to arrive at our house this morning, I suggested making a pot of coffee. Then, I thought about it:

"You can't just serve coffee, we should put out some food." I told my husband.
"But they already had a big breakfast and will be eating Thanksgiving dinner (we did it a week early) at 4 PM."
"Yeah I know, but sitting around a table talking about ventilators and adult diapers is awkward-I'm putting out food."

Turns out, I was right (about the food, not incontinence aides). The cookies, dried fruit and various chocolates and licorice candies disappeared pretty quickly as the talk turned to uncomfortably morbid stuff.

Had I thought of it I could have baked little grim reaper cookies or scythes.

1 comment:

  1. Discussing such with parents is rather un-nerving. Don't think you can really prepare yourself.

    OH, by the way, I've tagged you with a meme at my blog :)
