
Monday, January 12, 2009

Lamb Day Four-With Mushrooms And Cream Over Pasta

The problem with posting a recipe for lamb and mushrooms is that all you really get is a blob of brown food. Maybe with a better camera and some decent lighting I could make it look attractive, but since I can't here's a picture of a Peruvian child playing with a lamb, and a nice botanical print of mushrooms. Beyond that, you'll have to employ some imagination-you can picture some rigatoni, right? You know, they're round macaroni. OK good, so we've got lamb, mushrooms and a Peruvian kid who we won't cook unless he grows up to play those irritating wind pipes-then all bets are off.

This made quite a bit and used the last of the roast lamb. The freezer is full of curried lamb, and overall it made quite a bit of food. I still have the other leg which I'm saving for Easter. I did not try any myself, but Mr. Eat The Blog raved and so did a co-worker with whom he shared, so I'll take their word for it.

This isn't an exacting type of recipe, so feel free to vary the amounts to suit your leftovers.

You Will Need:

2 cups diced roasted lamb
1 pound mushrooms, sliced
4 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup sliced shallots
2 large cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 teaspoon dried thyme
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup red wine (I used Cabernet)
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon flour
Cooked pasta
A few pinches of grated Swiss cheese and chopped parsley for topping

In a large pan, heat the butter and oil over medium heat. Add the mushrooms, shallots and garlic. Cook until mushrooms begin to soften and toss off some liquid. Add the parsley and thyme. Add salt and pepper. Add the lamb. Turn the heat to high and add the red wine. Cook until most of it burns off leaving a bit of liquid in the pan (mostly from the mushrooms). Reduce heat to low, cover and cook about twenty minutes until the lamb is soft. Remove lid and add the cream. Cook until cream is heated through and then sprinkle the flour over and stir quickly to incorporate. Remove from heat and toss with pasta. Serve topped with a bit of Swiss cheese.

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