
Monday, March 23, 2009

70 MPH Winds? That's A Hurricane!

I'm sitting here watching all the topsoil blow away and hoping we don't lose power. We have our first severe thunderstorm/tornado watch of the season underway. It would actually figure, seeing how the tornado damaged siding/front porch from last June were replaced last weekend. I'd like to enjoy them for at least a week, 'ya know? Man, that wind is fierce.

In other news, we ordered the new oven and it is arriving around the 6th. We spotted the one we wanted at the Nebraska Furniture Mart-but I loathe that place. So we jotted down the model number and asked Ernie's if they could order the stove and meet the price-turns out they can. Super-duper. Even better, I'll have a brand new oven to get filthy cooking that other leg of lamb for Easter.

I did bake a small cake in the toaster/convection oven today and it worked out fine. I'd forgotten how well that thing worked (DeLonghi) but then I remembered it cost quite a bit when we bought it a decade ago. I do remember Mr. Eat The Blog dragging me off to the expensive kitchen store in the Back Bay (Boston) to buy it, but that was before you could get every oddball make of kitchen gadget on the Internet. Anyway, it fired right up and worked great. It has a convection/dehydrator function that I'd also forgotten about, so maybe some fruit leather is in my future.

I'm going to go open up the storm cellar for a good airing out now-just in case. I don't really believe the Universe would send us another tornado, but keeping the storm cellar clear and batteries in the flashlights probably isn't a bad idea anyway. Maybe I'll make myself a cup of coffee while I'm at it-in case it is a long night. I should probably finish off that carton of malted milk balls too-it would be a shame if those fell victim to a severe storm.


  1. Tornado already? Yikes, we still have piles snow on the ground up here, surely it's too early!

    We'll be thinking about you.

  2. This was really early for us too. They had 8 inches of snow in the Western part of the state and we ended up with a total of eight tornadoes in the East.

    Just insane.
