
Monday, April 20, 2009

Because I Promised

I promised Danny I would try to make some Thomas The Tank Engine cookies "someday." No time like the present, I guess.

What a massive pain. These were the ones that turned out somewhat OK-you should see the failures. I seem to have lost my decorating skills along with everything else. Happily, Danny was pleased with his cookies and I feel less like a total failure of a mother. To overcompensate, I bought him a Sea Monkeys kit today as well. Boy, is he ever going to be disappointed when he finds out they don't wave and do tricks and comb their hair whilst sitting in a cute little castle. Anyway, we put the water purifier in the bowl and tomorrow we can add the eggs.

Then, to really round out my excitement for the day, coming out of the bank in our small town, the wind blew the skirt of my dress up in the air (yes, I was wearing a slip-what sort of a tramp do you think I am?) much to the amusement of the old men who like to stand around in front of the bank talking, or waiting for the wind to blow up ladies skirts, or whatever it is old men stand around doing.

Oh look everyone, Mama made cookies!

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