
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Still On The Mend

I'm doing OK-still have to wait for pathology results, etc. but overall I'm a whole heck of a lot better than I was 24-48 hours ago. I had to laugh-before the procedure they have you sign off on all these papers indicating you've been advised you can't drive, or make legal decisions because of the anesthesia. I asked the nurse if that meant I can't wake up screaming that I want a divorce for the next 24 hours and she nervously laughed and said yes. What is it with these people-does ANYONE in this bloody state have a sense of humour? Really, they should change it from "The Cornhusker State" to "The State Of Really Dour People." Sheesh. What they should really warn people is not to have your husband stop at Zesto on the way home from the hospital to buy you a chocolate malt. I'm blaming the not-quite worn off anesthesia impairing my judgment. Hey, I hadn't eaten in a couple days. He said there was a really long line/wait but I didn't notice. I guess I sort of fell asleep in the car (that makes the wait go much faster). He's a good man, he really is bless his heart. For years, he's been telling me how great their malts are, but I don't really care for that sort of thing-it figures I'd take him up on it when there was a line waiting out the door.

Anyway, I'm resting and don't expect to be spending too much time in the kitchen for a while. Always one to look at the positive aspect of things (um...OK not really, but let's pretend) I now weigh 130 lbs. which would be completely awesome if I didn't otherwise look like a sick old lady. I'm going to climb into bed and watch television and sew myself a showy new apron, or a bed jacket, or whatever old ladies sew themselves when they're stuck in bed. In all seriousness-this is why I stock-up on needlework supplies when they are on sale-the time passes much easier when you have pillowcases to embroider. Speaking of handicrafts-maybe I ought to knit one of THESE. Not that anyone would laugh...because Nebraskans don't do that.

Anyway, I hope to be back to speed soon, but eh, Mr. Eat The Blog is doing a fine job of providing Danny with food so I'm not rushing. He made a lovely pizza last night with my roasted red pepper spread I canned last Summer as a base. Today he made Chinese.

I might just stay put and let him take over the household duties. I wonder how he is at hanging out laundry?

And really, for crying out loud people-laugh. It's good for you...and it's good for me. Really. Really. OK?

See you soon.


  1. The knitted digestive system is very funny, who would ever think to create such a thing? I hope you're feeling better and the docs can figure out what's wrong. It's not the gluten allergy? For some reason, I know 4 or 5 people who have that these days.

  2. I can't imagine trying to live with the gluten thing-how disruptive and difficult that must be.That does not appear to be my situation (thank goodness-I can deal with internal bleeding, but give up bread? I don't think I could do it).

    I'll spare you the gross details on a food blog, but at least we know why I'm anemic now ;)

  3. Raymond7:55 PM

    I've always said that I love nurses. They're your best friend when you're in the hospital. That is, if they have a sense of humor and play along when you're trying to joke to get thru the whatever it is. And I guess mine always have. You know, John Cleese once wrote a great article that intelligence is needed to have and appreciate a sense of humor. I wish I could find that again..
