
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fresh Peach Cake

This cake was really very easy to make, but the cookbook said it needed thirty minutes to bake and mine took closer to fifty! It also called specifically for vanilla sugar, which I had on hand so it wasn't a terrible inconvenience, but I thought it an odd specification in addition to vanilla extract.

The instructions also said to place the peach slices atop the cake in a pattern, which I did and then they promptly sunk into the cake and were largely unrecognisable. Not a huge problem, but I wouldn't have spent the time and care placing them, had I known.

The recipe comes from a book that I've had both wonderful and terrible results from: Country Cakes by, Lisa Yockelson. This cake is somewhere in the middle. It is OK. I can elaborate by noting that Danny, aged 4, ate his slice by picking out the peaches and leaving the cake behind. This isn't typical of my son.

I'm not going to post the recipe because I can't honestly recommend it. If you're hell-bent on trying it and can't find the book at your library, drop me an email and I'll send you the recipe.

I do still recommend the book, if only for the wonderful apple spice cake.

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