
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Danny and Papa made me a beautiful card...
And then they took me to breakfast at Hy-Vee.

Then, we went to Earl May and bought chicken wire to keep the bunnies out of my garden.

It was a perfect day. I'm so glad I get to be Danny's mama.


  1. Raymond5:26 AM

    aawwww.... Nice!! :-)

    BTW, those panks look mighty tasty...

    And Danny's growing into a potential Gap model. Look out Brad Pitt, your replacement has arrived!

  2. Auntie bought the seersucker jacket for him when she worked for a certain designer in NY. I thought it looked great with his Disney baseball cap.

    The pancakes were really great. Mr. Eat The Blog ended up eating most of mine, but Danny just about cleared his plate-something he almost never does. He's been in a bit of a growth spurt lately-lots and lots of sleeping and eating...then he grows an inch seemingly overnight. Luckily it is summer and he can wear short sleeves because the cuffs on most of his shirts are now up to the elbows.

    We know he isn't getting tall from my side of the family ;)
