
Friday, June 05, 2009

Chocolate Gelato

Don't let my terrible picture keep you from trying this wonderful gelato. I'm going to link to the original post at The Chocolate Gourmand, because of the terrific step-by-step instructions and photographs.

This is almost too good to make again, for fear I might eat it all.

That photo really is terrible, eh?


  1. Gelato is my very most favorite thing to eat! I went to Uruguay once and had it for the first time. Best ice cream I ever ate. I cannot BELIEVE how much good stuff you brew up in your kitchen! SWEET.

  2. Thanks, Lisa-but I only post the good stuff :) Plenty of not-so-thrilling food comes out of my kitchen too.

  3. Raymond8:16 AM

    I think the pic looks great! What's wrong with it?

    ...Ahhh, Italia! I had my first gelato there, in old Milano, across the plaza from the Duomo cathedral. Oh! Such beautiful people there on a Sunday morning! Ladies in furs, young men all looking like models, all of them walking around the plaza being seen. And me the ugly American slobbering all over my dripping gelato.

  4. I had my first gelato in the North End. No one looked like a model. It was kind of like a John Waters movie. But the gelato was good!
