
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Curries, Fruited Rice, and Chutney

I've made both of these curries before HERE and HERE. The chutney recipe is HERE.

I thought I'd mention how nice it is to can your chutney in the fall and then enjoy not standing over the stove cooking it in summer. At the time I canned it, we thought it was too sweet, but it did mellow and develop some character over time and everyone really enjoyed it tonight.

Here's the thing I want to share about the rice-you need to add the fruit after cooking, or the rice will turn mushy. Go ahead and make the rice as you ordinarily do and then add the fruit after it has cooked. Cover it, and let it stand five minutes, then fluff with a fork and serve. For this rice I chopped up crystalised ginger, dried apricots and sultanas. Sure, there was plenty of dried fruit in the chutney, but my family has certain expectations for rice, and fruit is one of them when serving curry.

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