
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ceamy Apricot Pie

I just don't know what to say about this pie. None of us cared for it, but there wasn't exactly anything wrong with it either. It is very, very rich-too rich, I think for a fruit pie. Still, if you like creamy fruit pie, I think this would be enjoyable. Am I making any sense?

Originally, the recipe called for peach, and I used apricot, but the problem wasn't in the flavour of the fruit, or even the texture. It was cloying, rich, and just overwhelmed the fruit. A fruit pie for people that don't like fruit, perhaps?

Still, it was a prize winning recipe, so someone must think it is an exceptional example of creamy fruit pie. I'll post the recipe because I don't think it is faulty, or bad-just not my kind of thing.
(before baking)

Adapted From, Granny Stark's Search for the Perfect Fruit Pie, 1991, Stark Brothers Nursery

You Will Need:


1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter


4 cups sliced peaches (I used apricots)
1 cup sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup sour cream


1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup butter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

For crust: Combine flour and salt. Cut in butter. Press into 9 inch pie plate.

For Filling: put peaches in a bowl. Cover with 1/4 cup of the sugar and set aside. In another bowl, combine remaining sugar, 2 1/2 tablespoons flour, egg, salt and vanilla. Fold in sour cream. Stir mixture into peaches. Pour into crust. Bake 15 minutes (I put it on a baking sheet and was glad I did because it dripped a bit). Reduce heat to 350 degrees F. and bake 20 minutes more. Prepare topping while it bakes:
combine sugar and flour and cut in the butter. After pie has baked 20 minutes at 350 degrees F. Top with crumbs and return to oven at 400 degrees for ten minutes more. Cool, and then chill before serving. It was very runny when it came out of the oven, but did solidify upon standing.


  1. Sounds kinda like a PEAR pie I make (and the pears are growing on the tree...). I think I posted the recipe last year in a comment. I don't remember the mix exactly, but it's pretty much as in this recipe except for the sour cream. The pear pie is creamy and delish! Has some allspice or something in it.. very rich and warming and great for autumn.

  2. I think the sour cream put it over the top. Maybe I'd like it better in cooler weather, but I think we just aren't fans of this kind thing.

    I still have enough apricots left for a cobbler to redeem myself tonight.

  3. BTW, Danny asked today if he could "Just have kasha without the mushrooms and bowties" for dinner. It made me think of you. I think he's taking after my side of the family. I'm not sure what he'd ask for on L's side of the family...haggis?

  4. Try putting some lightly cooked onions into the kasha instead of anything else (I cut them into half-rings, basically, then cook em up in a bit of butter before adding to the kasha). They taste sweet compared to the kasha.

  5. I do. I usually cook them in butter with the mushrooms and then kind of push them to the side of the pan when I add the kasha. I do the whole "sealing the grains with egg whites" bit, but I'm not really convinced it makes them better.

    I suspect Danny's fear of mushrooms might be related to the picture of a Giant Puffball he ran across in a book. But the love of kasha is serious-the kid is crazy for buckwheat. I have a bit of buckwheat flour and a frozen salmon fillet-maybe I should make him blini? Wait, forget that, he'll want them all the time ;)
