
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stout Bread

I still had 2 cups of stout left from making the puddings, and no intentions of simply drinking it. I bought one of those gigantic bottles thinking I'd find a use for it. And I did. Please disregard my horrible, horrible job of slashing the loaves.

I was trying for a checkerboard effect-well that went wrong didn't it? That's fine, I'm far from a perfect baker even after these many years, and it is always nice to post the less-than-perfect results.

The original recipe called for walnuts which I replaced with a couple handfuls of raisins. It sounds like an odd combination of ingredients, but it really turns into a wonderful bread-provided you can slash properly. I don't know about your family, but mine will pretty much eat any homemade bread they are offered.

The recipe may be found HERE.

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