
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Vintage Magazines

...Featuring, children who grew up to murder their parents!

She's going to murder her parents...right after she gets home and out of her good church clothes. Gosh, this just makes me want to watch The Bad Seed.
She murdered her parents shortly after they subjected her to the dreaded "China Doll" haircut. Nice look on a round face, eh?

This young man wanted to murder his parents, but knew it would interfere with his political ambitions, so he resisted. He got his revenge twenty years later by having his old man audited.The older brother...well someone had to dig the graves in the backyard. That's hard work for a nine year old.

Aw, ain't he cute? You don't want to know what he grew up to do.

Look out mama!
The magazines also featured cooking-some of the recipes like "Pizza Chicken" sound rather gag inducing.

Is this coat beautiful, or what? I included this because I found it amusing-what was she, maybe a size eight? It was the Twiggy era, sure, but I wouldn't exactly call her "large."Next week, I have a USDA pamphlet from the 40's about making slippers and belts from animal hides and pelts. I know you can't wait.


  1. I remember most of those fashions. I was the size of the last model and even had an outfit very similar.

  2. You were prettier (remember, you showed us your wedding photos).

    I'm tempted to try making that coat for next year.

  3. RE the "Is this coat beautiful, or what?" coat: it looks like it "moves" like the plaid jacket of a cartoon gameshow emcee: whenever he moves, the pattern doesn't.

  4. Heh. Even so, I'd totally wear it.
