
Monday, December 21, 2009

You Know You're An Interfaith Household When... give serious consideration to baking mincemeat rugelach.
Updated-it worked!

I think I'm going to do it. OK, I know I am.


  1. Those look delicious.

  2. They turned out really well.

    I've never been able to make a pastry crust I really liked for tarts. The dough for this has a stick of butter, 4 ounces cream cheese, a dash of salt and a cup of flour. I like the fact that I don't need to guess how much water to add-all the moisture comes from the cream cheese. I won't say it is "foolproof", but pretty darn close.

    I used one of the oddball mincemeats I canned last year-this one was cranberry and apple. The tartness was a nice change from the usual stuff which can be sort of cloying.

    It had a ton of booze it in, but it didn't really taste strong once it was baked. That was kind of a bummer. Your recipe is far superior, but suet is impossible to find anymore in these parts.
