
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weekend Thrifting

Look what five bucks will get you in used books...

I was really excited to find the book of Native American needlework designs. It looked like someone donated all their needlework books from the 60's and 70's. Hopefully it was just someone moving to a nice little retirement home in a warm climate, rather than children dumping mummy's books after she died. I really had to resist buying them all.

Danny also scored three unworn pairs of shoes, one of which were wingtips. I had no idea they made wingtips for children. Normally, I would think that was kind of weird, possibly stupid, but Danny is so in love with his penny loafers, and argyle vests that I figured he's probably going to be the target audience for wingtips. I told Mr. ETB that I can picture our son at seventeen sitting in his room in a button down shirt, argyle vest and tie reading Thomas Mann, listening to Laurie Anderson records, and muttering that everyone is stupid. Or, he'll grow into a rabid football fan, which would be the universe expressing a sense of humour.

At least he'll have plenty to read as he figures himself out.

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