
Monday, December 20, 2010

Gosh, That's A Nice Horse...I Wonder Why They Sent It...

Happy Birthday Danny. Six years old. For those of you keeping track, that's a hand and a thumb.

Mama and Papa were up until 3 AM putting together cake, frosting, etc. So here's more of a photo essay of our (early) morning.

You just don't get a smile like that when your child un-wraps a Lattimore translation, do you?

Surprisingly nice edition, published half a world away, but I'm glad someone is keeping it in print.

Yeah, my decorating skills were not top-notch this year. Everything gave me trouble from the icing, to the decorating tips. The horse did, however remain standing and let's be honest-you probably couldn't keep a two-foot high horse made of cake standing, could you? I didn't think so.
The cookies were supposed to look like red/black pottery. They look more terra cotta, but I still think they work.
Skewers are your friend.
I like the cookies of dead Trojans laying about, tumbling off buildings, etc.

And of course, the completed quilt.

And special thanks to our friends in Des Moines that guided us through the purchase of quality star-gazing binoculars for Danny. You guys are the best, and Danny said to say thank you for helping us get, "exactly the right thing". The, "for once" is implied ;)


  1. Man.. if only I had such great b'days. Hmmm... what theme-cakes would I have liked at age 6?.. Probably Tiny Tim (I bought his album back then, and did an impression of him).

    I'm saving the binoculars photo - it has lots of Photoshop potential..!


  2. Danny says thank you.

    Tiny Tim. Oh god, I miss him. Tiptoe through the tulips...

  3. BTW, I actually saw Tiny Tim in concert ~1992 or so. Give or take ~5 years. I can't remember exactly when it was. At a small club in San Fran. I got his autograph!
